There is no direct bus service from Delhi to Munsiyari, however you can opt direct bus service from Delhi to Almora and change there to Munsiyari. Uttarakhand Transport operate ordinary bus services from Anand Vihar terminal to Almora. From Almora you can take share cabs or other public transport to Munsiyari either via Pithoragarh or via Bageswar Kapkote . The other option are, you may take a train from Delhi to Kathgodam and from there can check for share taxi which are operating between Pithoragarh/Bageswar--Haldwani Note- Its a long journey on mountain range so make sure you break the journey in to at least 2 days, taking 1 night rest at Almora or near by Hope the information will help in your travel planning. Thank You See You on the Road...👌👌