Hello are you interested in travelling and joining our travel buddy group from Mumbai Pune gujrat Hyderabad banglore sikkim currently we are around 40 buddies mix age mix gender
Are you interested in travelling and joining our travel buddy group from Mumbai Pune gujrat Hyderabad banglore delhi sikkim currently we are around 40 buddies mix age mix gender.are you a solo traveler
It's a big group of travel buddies male female travelers. you get well soon .you don't have to roam around with strangers .will connect if you are interested in future .and ya keep taking steam for your corona
Don't worry dear,its matter of 10 days.everything will be alright.
after that i can take you to valley of flowers,if you wish.
cheer up,nothing to get afraid.
Don't worry.
travelers always keep on roaming.
do share your experience wfter coming from hospital.
would love to know more abt it.
enjoy it as a vacation. stay good stay positive.