You can contact sandakphutrek. com for your booking
Hi! For a Sandakphu-Phalut Land Rover tour, you’ll need to get in touch with tour operators or travel agencies specializing in Himalayan trekking and off-road tours. Here are a few steps to help you find the right contact: 1. Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Local Agencies: Look for local tour operators in Darjeeling or Kolkata, as they often organize Land Rover tours to Sandakphu and Phalut. Online Platforms: Websites like TripAdvisor or TourRadar can provide reviews and contact information for reputable tour companies. 2. Recommended Agencies Himalayan Trekkers: Known for organizing treks and off-road tours in the Himalayas. Website: Adventure Club: Offers various adventure tours including off-road experiences. Website: Wildlife Adventure: Specializes in treks and tours in North East India. Website: 3. Local Contacts Darjeeling: Check with local travel agencies or hotels for recommendations. Kolkata: Agencies here can also help arrange tours and provide contacts for reliable operators. 4. Online Forums and Groups Travel Forums: Websites like TripAdvisor forums or Reddit can offer personal recommendations and contact details from fellow travelers.
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Thank you for the suggestions and sharing few operator details 🙏🏼