Whenever I enter a Hotel I always look for the oil paintings on canvas that hung throughout the premises.it gives one a nice feeling to see beautiful landscape,forests,trees,mountains,birds land before your eyes in perfect mesmerising view.But when you enter Hostels the feeling will be different.But in Yogyakarta EDU Hostels they have transformed the ambience with beautiful

wall hangings as you climb the steps or walk through the verandah rooms.The path is very spacious and well lit and the sayings in the hangings attract you to the most.These words give us immense pleasure as we prepare ourselves for the onward tours and sight seeings.

I have seen people admiring these quotes and make remark one or two to their friends and relatives.Even the doors in the entrance of the rooms have names apart from the room numbers.I feel the management is experimenting with this technique and it has earned a quite good appreciation

from the students and teachers who flock this Hostel in weekends from interior Indonesia.These vibrant colour combination takes our spirits to a different height.These paintings give us a pleasure of Home away from Home.