Travelling is what I enjoy the most and to be honest it all started with Europe. You won’t believe the first time I really wanted to go out and explore things because I was surrounded by windy air, scenic beauty which you would surely not want to miss. After that I started travelling in India and realised what I missed.
I would say I was lucky that I had my best friend who became part of my European road trip. I would surely give an advice here if you are travelling in Europe don’t spend too much on the train tickets and take some chances and book blablacar which is cheaper and you meet some really nice people. So this one weekend we planned a trip from Senigallia,Italy to Vienna, Austria.
Wait for the little adventure that we had. Patience my friend. The blablacar we booked for 36 Euros per head had to pick us around midnight so we took the last train and reached at the railway station an hour or two before. Tired and sleepy waiting at the station so we decided one is going to sleep and other is going to watch the luggage but as my best friend is very kind so I slept first and she was watching the luggage 😂. But heyyi I am not that cruel so I woke up in between gave her a chance and she clicked a picture of mine so that she can brag about this all life. The blablacar came and it was a BMW, clean and we saw a husband and wife who were driving from Italy to Austria.
I am being honest we slept the moment we stepped in the car, the moment we woke up in between was when Peter who was driving said “GPS made a fool of me again” we then realised that our journey time has increased because GPS took us on a closed road. Peter then took a hault to fill the gas tank and my bestie wanted to use some restroom. In every country you need to pay to use the washroom and that one costed us way much. I couldn’t stop laughing when I remember this story: my bestie half asleep went down, a little pissed that why machine was asking for 2 euros when other asks for usually 50 cents or 1 euro. We didn’t have change so she inserted a note of 5 euros praying the rest of the amount will come back but hard luck. I sympathized with her and said chill, go and come back fast. I was busy using phone and saw a man came and entered in the same restroom where my bestie went, how is this possible there are always two separate restrooms right. When she came back then I realised it was the men’s washroom that she went in without even noticing. Oh that was fun!
We started our journey again laughing and the sun was shining above us. I still couldn’t believe that I was so close to the Austrian Alps. They are indeed beautiful. After a 12 hours journey we finally reached and thanked Peter and his wife for a wonderful road trip. And We didn’t want to waste time resting so we showered, changed and went out. Believe me people, Vienna is one beautiful city that would take your breath away. The city is full of Colors and the architecture is inspiring too. But imagine this, two pretty girls sitting in the Centre and just admiring the city and not taking pictures of themselves. It’s hard to believe right but it happened, we got so lost exploring the city that we didn’t realise that we were not in the pictures.
We made some good friends in the hostel we were staying and an advise here too. Prefer to take hostel in the centre as you will be able to roam easily with a map I mean we apply this theory whenever we travel and helps alot. Schönbrunn Palace, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Hofburg and Heldenplatz, Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna, St. Charles’ Church some of the must visit places. The food would not disappoint you either so do explore some street food of Vienna. In the entire European trip Falafal became my pal you would not believe that it was delicious. Oh and girls love shopping so Vienna has some good stores and my bestie kind of lost it when she saw H&M over there. She was so excited that she didn’t realise we almost spent 100 Euros on clothes and I had to scold her and stop her that we need money for the trip too. Insane right! But that’s how my bestie is crazy like me. #BeyondTheBorder