Bagdogra is the nearest (defence) airport to reach Mirik. New Jalpaiguri (NJP) for those who travelled by train. The total distance from Bagdogra airport to Mirik is 44.4 K.M , 1 hour 32 hours and 53.3 K.m approximately 2 hour 47 minutes simultaneously by NJP.
The road travel from Bagdogra to Mirik is beauteous starting with plains filled with greenery tea garden . The tea which you find here is the CTC tea that most of the Indian used in their kitchen as it usually gives a strong and black colour preferable for the milk tea which is prepared in most of the Indian houses.
After covering half of your travel you'll now head towards the Hills of eastern Himalayas where you'll find a dense Forest and if you're lucky u'll find Black Panther and leopard sitting on the parapet. Indeed it has to be dark for that .
And now you'll find the fields where world famous Darjeeling tea is grown. It is a leafs tea that is suitable to take as a black tea, green tea and white tea.
WHITE TEA - is one of most expensive tea of the Darjeeling hills which seems like green tea but it tastes far better than the green one. It will cost you around 9000/- per kg.
The road that connects Bagdogra from Mirik is mostly covered with green trees, layered hills , rolling tea gardens and small villages where the local tea labourers resides.

Mirik is small off beat place in the state of West Bengal. The prolonged agitation dated 27th September 2017 for the demand of separate state named Gorkhaland was basically started from here, and was spread in the other part of the region like Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong. For more information log on to GJM ends 104-day strike: All about Darjeeling crisis, ß demand ...
Leaving the agitation behind Mirik that lies between Siliguri and Darjeeling, is a small hill town of Darjeeling district and one of the most visited hill station in the West Bengal. There are many places to visit in the Mirik.
Sumendu Lake- This lake is the main attraction of the Mirik connected with 1/2 km long foot arch Indreni pool (bridge) The place is surrounded by pony rides, boating, pine trees and garden that can be a possible hub for local shopping and local foods.

Bokar Monastery
Bokar Monastery is located in the uphill of the Mirik town, Founded by the acclaimed Kyabje Bokar Tulku Rinpoche. After the death of the founder Rinpoche , the monastery has been guided by venerable Khenpo Lordo Donyo Rinpoche.

motel / Swiss Cottege
Motel Swiss cottage is located at the highest of altitude of Mirik town . The price of hotel is approximately 1500-2000. Besides staying at hotel you can explore the scenic beauty of the nature and and the view of kanchendzonga and Mirik lake town. Also the best place for photography.

Gopaldhara Tea Estate
Gopaldhara tea state is located in the valley of Mirik established in the year 1995 and is the highest and one of famous tea estates in the Darjeeling district. There is a small shop located in this estates where they sell tea leaves from this garden. One can get a varieties of tea like green tea, the most expensive white tea, CTC mixed with leaf tea, black tea, Oolong tea, traditional Darjeeling tea etc, These teas are exported around the world and very few and selected quantities are distributed in the corners of India. One can have a sip of tea to taste its quality and flavors before buying the products. Next to the shop there is valley of teas where you can click the photos and do the sight seen .

Lastly you can visit the local villages and interact with the local people to know and explore about their local foods, cultures, their past time games and many more.