Built as a link between the cities of Howrah and Kolkata, Howrah Bridge has become famous as a remarkable landmark and identity. Though it has been renamed as Rabindra Setu, it still is popular as the Howrah Bridge only. The bridge is the sixth longest Cantilever bridge in the World.
A unique fact about the bridge is that, the massive 26,500 tonne steel bridge does not contain any nuts and bolts and has been assembled through rivets only. Interestingly, the steel to be used for the construction was to be supplied by England but considering the war crisis, only 3000 tonnes were supplied and the rest of the Steel was supplied by our very own TATA STEEL.
After its inauguration, the first vehicle to cross over the Howrah Bridge was a tram. Keeping in view the daily footfall and number of vehicles using the bridge, the trams were stopped from using the bridge in 1993, as it would not be able to take the heavy load of trams in parallel to the daily load.
The Howrah end of the Bridge connects you to the country's oldest railway station namely HOWRAH JUNCTION while the Kolkata end is connected to the 130 year old and Asia's largest flower market namely MALICK GHAT flower market.