A small village of darjeeling district popularly known as Chatakpur. If you are planning for a very short trip like weekend trip from nearest metro city Kolkata, then Chatakpur perfect choice for you.
We have started our journey from Howrah-NJP( New Jalpaiguri) by train. We took a cab (per head ₹150) from siliguri bus stand to reach Sonoda toy train railway station. Then from in front of sonoda rail station we took another cab (₹1200 full) to reach Chatakpur.
Those who will planning to come Chatakpur from outside of west bengal they can take flight to Bagdogra, and book a cab to sonada or direct charakpur as per availability of cab.
Chatakpur is mainly surrounded by Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary, hardly 10-12 small cottages (two from West Bengal forest department ) are there. Those cottages are provided as a homestay to travellers by local guides.
Best time to visit there is January to March, where you can experience clear view of our Himalayan queen Kanchanjangha at time of sunrise.
Homestay are available maximum around ₹1500/day per person with fooding and lodging it may down during April-May.
Homestay accommodation also available at West Bengal Forest Dept official site.
I am sharing few pictures that I have taken there.