My first trip that made me a Travel addict

12th May 2017
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

“Not all girls are made of sugar, spice and everything fine . Some are made of adventure, courage and wine.”

YouTube channel: Travel Freak

Day 1

Our first destination was Gorubathan. It’s a small town in Kalimpong, situated on the bank of Chel river, which is a famous local picnic spot.

Photo of Gorubathan by Travel Freak

I’m born and brought up in a small city Jalpaiguri of North Bengal. So I felt myself always close to the mountains.

After getting a govt. job, my girls’ gang planned a short trip to Rishyap… which is a famous tourist spot of North Bengal. We booked hotel Sonar Bangla for 12th May, 2017. We took almost a week to book the hotel and arrange a car for our whole trip.

On that day we started from Jalpaiguri at 9.45 a.m. and had some breakfast at Lataguri.

Fagu Monastery, also known as Dipamkara Stupa, is one of the most attractive spots of Gorubathan.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

From here we headed towards Jhandi Eco Huts. It takes almost one hour from Gorubathan. The condition of road was too much poor, moreover the last night rain made it worse.

Jhandi Eco Hut consists of some cottages to stay with good arrangements of food.

Photo of Jhandi Eco Hut by Travel Freak
Photo of Jhandi Eco Hut by Travel Freak
Photo of Jhandi Eco Hut by Travel Freak
Photo of Jhandi Eco Hut by Travel Freak

There is a pavement that leads towards the top of the area, where a ‘Machan’ is made to enjoy the 360 degree view of the place. This view point is famous for sunset, sunrise and wide range of Kanchanjangha.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

But we were not so lucky to get the view of Sleeping Buddha that day due to cloudy sky. Here we took our lunch and started for Lava.

Lava is almost 16 kms from Jhandi. Lava monastery is the main attraction of this place. The quiet and calm environment soothes the soul.

Photo of Lava by Travel Freak
Photo of Lava by Travel Freak
Photo of Lava by Travel Freak
Photo of Lava by Travel Freak
Photo of Lava by Travel Freak
Photo of Lava by Travel Freak

From the monastery beautiful dwellings can be observed on the slopes of the hills.

This area is higher even than Darjeeling, so it is covered with fog most of the time in a day. But when the clouds disperse, one can see the mesmerizing range of the Kanchanjungha.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

At almost 3.30 p.m we started for Rishyap. This is a small village at a distance of 10-12 kms from Lava.

The name “Rishyap” stands for “mountain peaks and forests”. The condition of the road is terrible and it becomes more horrible during the landslides in rainy season. Bolero/xylo is the only vehicle to drive through this road. The narrow road leads toward Rishyap in the middle of dense Pine forest in one side and a deep cliff on the other.

Near about 4.30 p.m we reached our hotel Sonar Bangla. This hotel offers a great view of Kanchanjungha. The rooms are big enough for three persons to stay in a double bedded room.

Photo of Rishyap by Travel Freak
Photo of Rishyap by Travel Freak
Photo of Rishyap by Travel Freak

There is a long balcony at the backside of the hotel, from where one can enjoy the hide-and-seek of figs and clouds all the day.

After having some snacks we went for a walk to see the nearby scenic beauty. This is the highest point of the area. On one side of the narrow hilly road lays dwellings and a cliff on the other. As the slope of the road is downward, it’s easy to go down but hard to come back.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

It started drizzling soon after we went for the walk, though there was no need of umbrella. There was a gentle tranquility everywhere in the surrounding area. Birds’ chirping was coming from the far.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

After getting back to our room,we took a nap. We were served fresh chicken curry, roti, sabji and rice in dinner. In hill areas 10 p.m. is considered as late night. As our target was to enjoy the sunrise, we went to bed early.

Day 2

Next morning, when the first ray of the sun was seen peeping from the clouds, we hurriedly came to the lawn to enjoy the sunrise.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

This was an unforgettable experience… an amazing feeling… a different kind of adventure. Though we didn’t get the full view due to cloudy sky, it was still much precious what we got.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

After visualising an amazing (to us) sunrise, we were waiting to see the Sleeping Buddha. It was almost more than an hour we waited to see Kanchanjungha. But here too, the clouds played the role of the villain. Whatever we got to see, we captured it by zooming in our mobile cameras. Though we didn’t get an amazing view of the Kanchanjungha, but it was still enough.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

After all these, we got back to our room, had our breakfast and then took a nap.

At 09:45 a.m. we checked out from our hotel and started for Dealo.

Dealo Park is a popular tourist spot of Kalimpong. It takes almost 2 hours to visit the whole area of the park. You can get an amazing view of the city Kalimpong from this park, situated at an altitude of almost 5,500ft. There are flower gardens, ranges of Pine trees and a tourist lodge of WBTDC inside the park.

Photo of Delo Park by Travel Freak
Photo of Delo Park by Travel Freak

before entering the park, there is an arrangement of paragliding and inside the park one can enjoy horse riding.

Our next destination was Pine View Nursery. At about 01:45 p.m. we reached there. This ia a well-known nursery of Kalimpong hill station known for its exotic collection of cactus.

Photo of Pine View Nursery by Travel Freak
Photo of Pine View Nursery by Travel Freak
Photo of Pine View Nursery by Travel Freak
Photo of Pine View Nursery by Travel Freak
Photo of Pine View Nursery by Travel Freak

Over 1,500 species of cactus can be found here, which made this the biggest cactus archive of Asia. There are various species of cactus under some green house sheds.

Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak
Photo of My first trip that made me a Travel addict by Travel Freak

This was the last destination of our trip. After visiting this, we had our lunch in a nearby local hotel and then started for home.