Do you dream about camping on an island. Do you want to feel the sea breeze while seating insida a tent with stars and the moon over your head. Then, around 120km away from Kolkata lies the majestic Mousuni Island which will give you the opportunity of camping beside the gigantic Bay of Bengal. If you wish to experience the pleasent breeze while seating inside a tent and enjoy the mesmerizing sunset, then Mousuni Island is the place that you are looking for my friend.
Mousuni Island which is located between Sundarbans in the east and Sagar island in the west is just 120km drive away from Kolkata and is easily accessible by road. But if you wish not to choose any car or a bike then the local trains are the best and the fastest mode of transport to reach Mousuni Island. Catch Sealdah-Lakshmikantpur local or Sealdah-Namkhana local train. Both this trains will take you till Namkhana , so catch any train among this two but a early morning train is highly recommended. Just outside the station you will find e-rickshaw's or shared shuttle/taxi which will drop you to the jetty or ferry ghat from where a 10 rupee boat ride will take you to your final destination, thatis Mousuni Island. The train ride will cost 25 rupee per person and the taxi ride will be around another 50 rupee. Another e-rickshaw of 10 rupee from Mousuni Island's ferry ghat will take you to your designated camping location. Thus total sum up price becomes aprox 100 rupee per person to reach Mousuni Island. In case you are travelling in a car then you have to park the vehicle on the ferry ghat's parking area and then cross the river on boat and then catch the e-rickshaw. Bikes can be taken on the boat.
There are ample number of tour companies which provide you the opportunity of camping, just go to google and type “ camping on Mousuni Island ” and boom a lot of sites will popup , just book with any of these companies according to your budget and date. Normally the budget of each tent for two persons comes in the range of ₹1200 to ₹1500 per day including all the meals . So book according to your preference . Once done with the booking , now you are ready to spend some quality time with your friends , family and love one's . Just pack your bags and head towards the land of camping .