Kolkata Photowalk

2nd Mar 2015
Photo of Kolkata Photowalk 1/6 by Souparna Chakraborty
Photo of Kolkata Photowalk 2/6 by Souparna Chakraborty
Photo of Kolkata Photowalk 3/6 by Souparna Chakraborty
Photo of Kolkata Photowalk 4/6 by Souparna Chakraborty
Photo of Kolkata Photowalk 5/6 by Souparna Chakraborty
Photo of Kolkata Photowalk 6/6 by Souparna Chakraborty

There are in numerous places in Kolkata where tourists flock to. Those places no doubt are good spots for photography and leisure travel. Consider the case of Victoria memorial, the big architectural marvel of the city stands out amidst the chaotic surroundings with its extremely large lush green fields and big ponds in its premises. That is perfect spot for the lovebirds and also for the quick snappers. But hailing from the ‘City of Joy’ I have never been fond of such places. It has always been the streets of the city that has always caught my eye. So while I was back home enjoying my funemployment, I decided to hit the narrow streets by the river Hooghly for the photowalk and it surely gave me immense delight and lot of memories.

River Hooghly is the lifeline of the city. There is only one road that runs along the river and if trodden one can find the true beauty of street photography ranging from street side tea vendors to people bathing in the river and idols of gods and goddesses lying haywire along the road. My journey for the solo photowalk began from Baghbazar Ghat. This particular ghat is famous because during the durga puja all the prime idols of the durga idol are immersed in the river from this place. As the road goes I came across Nimtala Ghat which is basically a cremation ground, Ahiritola Ghat and finally I entered Burrabazar area. Burrabazar is the largest wholesale fruit market of Asia. Business in this zone starts from small shops to big retail stores and all serving customers their products in wholesale rate. The next destination along the road was Babughat. When you enter Babughat the scenario surrounding the street drastically changes from lower strata people to the rich government job doers. The change cannot be captured but has to be perceived in naked eye. I wish I could capture the same.

This particular photowalk gives people enough opportunity to explore the street life, subjects to look out for and very good frames to capture. To be frank enough while I was lurking out for good subjects in the street my focus has been only to capture the right frames. There is nothing much to describe that particular street I worked. The street is famous because it runs along the river for a total 8 kilometres. It is frequently used only by the local traders and the business men and also the labour class society. But as a photographer I have found beauty in everything.

Please enjoy the photographs and do comment. Criticisms are always welcome.