If you are looking for one day trip in West Bengal, this can be an option. not much chaos, beautiful nature, simplicity of inhabitants and fresh air makes the journey memorable. We booked a car for the whole day. One can directly reach Kaikhali, Sundarbans or have a stopover at Nimpith.
What to expect at Kaikhali:
1. Nimpith Ramakrishna Ashram (you can eat prasad at the Ashram) & Sarada Ashram
2. Matla river and its beauty
3. Kaikhali Ramkrishna Mission
4. The famous Mangrove trees
1. Don't try shortcut and take side roads, you may get stuck there, as the roads are raw
2. Till Kaikhali there are no good place to stay (except kaikhali tourist lodge organized by Ramkrishna Mission). Thus booking a car is important unless one wants to continue travel to Sundarbans and arranges stay there itself
3. To eat lunch at Kaikhali, near river, there's some local people cooks good like rice, dal, chicken curry. Don't expect fancy food resto or any food delivery. You can also eat lunch near Nimpith
4. one can book a boat to go to Jhorakhali to see tiger and come back after few time, but this is suggested if the trip is more than a day