I have always written. As soon as I could write coherently, I started writing Articles. I always knew I wanted to write for my own observations but this is probably for the first time two of my good friends promoted me to write. They just wanted to grasp things from my own understandings.
Very hectic the life truly is when you become professional. But, since you love to do something you are ought to get some time to inculcate. Apparently, I believe silence inspires you to think deep. Kolkata is probably the best way to examine the whole life cycle of a person because of the variety of places it has on offer. Walking through the streets of Park Street and enjoying your meal at this awesome place flurry's you will draw plenty of ideas in your ecosystem. Look aside or outside of the glass pane of this early 19th-century cafΓ©, you will understand Kolkata knows who to celebrate. Last two months were very delightful for the city. They celebrated the biggest annual festival anyone can imagine with Durga Puja. I have heard of all these before but the experience of being in a puja season here at Kolkata was ecstatic.

When you visit Kolkata you will witness every nook and corners are being celebrated. Inner peace envelopes the atmosphere of caste and creed which is very normal to see on the streets. Nothing is more impactful than being part of getting celebrated and even drafting something in creating a celebration for someone else.

I visited this place near Howrah called Kumartuli. What brilliant craftsmanship you can witness here is out of the scope of anyone's imagination. I saw a Muslim family creating a Durga idol with all there sweats out. You imagine this is the best art you can get then you are wrong. Move aside or behind there is plenty more on offer. To understand the depth of celebration you will have to start from a place where it initiates. Everyone out there understands the importance of these 10 Days that's why they had so much of love and care while making all these idols once an imagination into reality. I believe if the raw materials are good there are maximum possibilities of the fact that you are driving towards a better outcome. If you think raw material for this celebration is the amount of time and sweat they put in then you are wrong. It is the effort, love, care, and Faith that drives them in putting imagination in a different dimension of blissfulness.

5 PM onwards Kolkata Roads starts to slow down its pace but during puja, Kolkata roads glitters although out the day and the night. There is no stopping. One of the most crowded metros in the nation Kolkata is more ecstatic about the journey to be celebrated for 10 days. They just love it. They just get elated with the fact that the blessings and love of the next 10 days will bring all the goods, eliminate all the odds and will generate an enormous amount of vigor to fight the next one year before they will welcome the goddess next time.
Kolkata the city of joy is famous for its lifestyle and food fosters towards glaze one of its kind. Move towards the streets you will find millions of eatable options. I never knew a single dish can simultaneously be presented in more than 50 styles. The section of Gariahat till Rabindra Sadan was complete Pandemonium. Look every side you will only see people. I city of such widespread area converges to engulf the prosperous days. It is very rightly said during the phase of urbanization people move to cities because a city never sleeps and if you have a single point of doubt then come to Kolkata especially during the celebration. Believe me, the city of joy understands how to celebrate things with highest regards of importance. During my school days I used to study the lifestyle of metros in social science since then I had this fantasy to see the astonishing definition of puja.

Posted in Tags: Uncategorized #life #kolkata #cityofjoy #durgapuja #celebration #kolkata
Published by Shish Singh
I like to travel a lot I love to know how people of different categories live. I like to observe people, their culture, lifestyle, habitat. Exploration is my passion.Every single day i want to grow and to grow in a positive direction. Writing inspires me to do something extraordinary for the generation to come. They must have the correct knowledge to ignite a passion for whatever they actually want. what's better other than this to improve on everyday... View more posts