This is one of those pic which I never want to share on social media ,
But this is one of those pics which is always close to heart ,
A different culture,
Their unique dress code,
Tea garden,
Lots of memories,
Trip with parents,
1.5 yrs old pic,
Unforgettable moments,
A weird gesture😅😅
Every single moment was great , whenever I used to recall those 4 days.
I didn't clicked many pictures because I wasn't photogenic at that time 🙃
But now I am very excited about my next trips 🤗 , I will roam around the all possible places ,this is one of my major dreams.
Thanks for giving your time
And I hope most of also visited lots of places with your friends and family,
& I am also sure some of the moments you can never forget and which is too close to your heart.
Share your memories also
I would love to know about your memorable experiences.