After a disappointment from Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary, a 15KM of Forest ride , we arrived at Thirunelli Temple which is surrounded by beautiful hill backdrop and forest .

This temple is unique in its own way at an altitude of 900M and dedicated to Lord Vishnu and heard that it is 1000 years old . It is near Karnataka State.

The beauty and scenic view around the temple will not let you move away from that place . If you are Nature and Photography lover, definitely worth spending few more minutes in this Place.

There is a surprise awaited for us on the way back home from Thirunelli Temple. We get to see a group of Elephants standing in the Forest route waiting to cross the road. It was very thrilling experience to visit an Elephant family. Male elephant's Tusk and its expression was totally awful and could clearly sense it is leading the family. :) . Car Driver cautioned us not to use flash for taking pictures as animals get irritated on the blink of an eye. We accidentally used flash (Honestly, its by mistake) and Elephant's cub is being captured :) .

Forest honey -
Wayanad is also famous for forest honey. We got an information that we can buy Pure Forest honey in the Tribal Co-operative Society which is on the way from Thirunelli temple to Homestay. After few miles , we reached Tribal Society - It is surrounded by electric fencing to avoid animals entering in to the office. Officer in the Tribal society said, they collect honey from tribals.
There are different types of honey being sold in Tribal Society. Forest honey , small bee honey - It is very costly and priced around Rs.2500 per Kg and has plenty of medicinal values & Medieum Size bee honey or Puttu honey. Unfortunately Small bee honey was out of stock .
We could see honey is being stored in a large Sintex tank and they are selling it in Kgs. Better go with container if you are planning to buy honey as they are selling honey in plastic bottles which is cost Rs.5 for each bottle. We bought 1kg of Forest honey cost Rs.400. We used it and could feel the difference between the commercial honey available in the Super Market.
Kattikulam Wholesale Super Market for Spices -
After the Honey hunt in Tribal Society :) , The home food owner in Kuruva Island gave a Whole Sale Super Market phone number in Kattikulam ( A small town), it is also on the way from Thirunelli Temple to Home stay for buying spices at cheaper cost . Driver helped us to reach that place and we bought pepper and cardamom in cheaper cost , but the quality of those spices seems to be second quality. We reached home around 8.30 PM that day and enjoyed the night with Campfire :) .
- Will be concluding with the last place - Banasura Sagar Dam