Wayanad, It's a North East district in Kerala and can be reached by Car or Bus from Calicut or Mysore. It is located at around 2100M above mean sea level. It takes in a lot of sightseeing places, including regular places like waterfalls, viewpoints with special places like Edakal caves and Kuruva islands.

The special places are " Must Visit " places and not to be overlooked.
Wayanad Sightseeing can be covered from these three towns, Kalpetta, Manathavady and Sulthan Bathery. It doesn’t intend that these towns are centralized location for all the Sightseeing places :)
How to Reach:
Wayanad can be reached from Mysore or Calicut. The Best connection is from Calicut. It holds the best Air and Train Connections in Kerala. Wayanad is 70KM from Calicut. It needs 2 hours to reach and Ghatt Section is only 22 KM. I would recommend people to reach Wayand from Calicut as the road is Excellent and No hiccups during a hill ride. I believe the Cost factor will be more if you reach from Mysore because of entering Kerala from Karnataka.

Climate :
We went in the month of May. The climate appears to be cool before 8AM and After 5 PM. In some parts of Wayanad, it is raining in the eve. Between 8 AM and 5 PM, the climate is pretty warm and you will become sweaty. To love the climate in Wayanad, the best time seems to be from December to March. You don't need to carry Jerkin if you plan in the Month of May.
Taste to Start the Journey from Calicut sometime in the Early Morning 4 AM, so you would enjoy the Morning Mist covering the hills as there are View Points on the way that shouldn't be overlooked.

We took in a Misty Visual Treat on the Way to Wayanad, " The Visual of Mist " seems to be a Waterfalls from the Clouds and could not believe our eyes for a second and remembered it was Waterfalls. No way to express that illusion created in-front of our Eyes. STUNNED!!!!!!!
I have more information to be shared, so I will be updating in Successive posts.
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