Extracts of the guide of voyage Ulysses Washington, D.C., by Sarens (freelancer and writer at custom service)
Few cities throughout the world and the history had this chance to be intended to be used as receptacle for the capacity of a nation, even with the destiny of an empire. And even less had the privilege to preserve this vocation other than very other. However, precisely, Washington never served of other intentions but that being the capital of the United States of America.
Geographical overflight
The town of Washington, D.C. is located on Potomac, where the Anacostia river joined it, that is to say to some 120 km of its mouth on bay of Chesapeake and to 220 km of the opening on the ocean. The great area of the capital can conveniently be divided into three sectors: the coastal plain, the plate of Piedmont and the Appalachian Mountains.
Capitol Hill

Capitole, which throne at the top of Jenkins Hill, constitutes one of the most visible bench marks of Washington. The architect Pierre Charles the Child, to which was entrusted the plans of Washington, decided to make of Jenkins Hill, modest 27 height m headland, the point of convergence of all the new city.
The largest library of the world, is Library of Congress, cabin in a building whose frontage points out the Opera of Paris curiously. Thomas Jefferson had one day declared that a member of the Congress was to always be in measurement to consult reference works on any subject. Of which act.
White marble the neo-classic building of Vermont which resembles a Roman temple is the Supreme Court, the supreme Court of the United States. Frame in 1935, this imposing building wants to be undoubtedly the symbol of the great power of highest the Court of Justice of the country.
Downtown area
The National Portrait Gallery and National Museum of American Art is presented as a monument of Greek inspiration in a city where Roman architecture is posted sometimes with excess.
Surroundings of the White House
Each year, more than one million and half of people is had a presentiment of with the doors of White house, celebrates it White House become a symbol of the United States. The French architect Pierre Charles the Child had, in the plans of the city which it had drawn for Washington, considered the construction of an imposing palate intended to accomodate the American presidents.

In the beginning intended to present works of art American, Corcoran Gallery of Art, one of the largest museums of Washington which does not form part of Smithsonian Institute, also have a very beautiful European collection.
The National Air and Space Museum invites the visitors, impassioned or not aeronautics, with living a single and unforgettable experiment. This museum exposes an impressive collection of planes.
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden was baptized in the honor of Joseph H. Hirshhorn (1899-1981), an American collector which bequeathed to the United States of America more than 12 000 works coming from its personal collection.
The National Museum of African Art presents arts and the ages of Africa at the south of the Sahara. It is besides the only museum of the United States of America to be exclusively devoted to these cultures resulting from sub-Saharan regions.
InArthur Mr. Sackler Gallery, the visitors will be able to plunge themselves in the evolution of the art of Asia and the Middle East, of Antiquity at our days. The museum was created thanks to a gift of more than 1 000 remarkable works of Arthur Mr. Sackler (1913-1987).
Very beautiful traditional building of Renaissance style florentine builds out of marble and out of granite, Freer Gallery of Art opened its doors with the public in 1923. The Freer gallery is the work of Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919), one impassioned of Asian art and American art of its time.
US Holocaust Memorial Museum returns vibrating and moving homage to the six million Jews, like with the people gypsy, the handicapped people, homosexual, the witnesses of Jehovah