ALLURING SKY #WallpapersoftheSky

10th Apr 2019
Photo of ALLURING SKY #WallpapersoftheSky by Amanat
Day 1

Feet firmly planted on the ground I look up at a defiant sky, the dome of our existence. I see no fairness there, no sense of responsibility. Some days are dark, angry, bitter spitting rain, hail, fire and brimstone. Others calm, serene with light fluffy clouds as if there wasn't a care in the world. Why? I ask myself are some people drawn towards the former, and others towards the latter. Why is it that when our eyes fix onto the warm colours of sky we are transported to an enchanted world? Why do we get lost in beauty of sky being it sunrise or sunset?

Talking about sky in science- Sky is everything that lies above surface of the earth including the atmosphere ans outer space. In field of astronomy the sky is also called the CELESTIAL DOME OR SPHERE. This is an abstract sphere, centred on the earth, on which the Sun, stars, planets and the Moon appear to be traveling. During daylight sky appears to be blue because air scatters more blue sunlight than red. At night sky appear to be a dark surface spangled with stars.

During my trip to Australia, I had observed various views of sky that left me spellbound and appeared identical to what we see in wallpapers or photos.

What comes to our mind when we think about morning sky? As the clouds slowly glide across the beautiful blue sky, the warm rays of the sun are allowed to gloriously shine through the tops of the trees, creating a breathtaking sight. It appears similar to a flawlessly painted landscape, trees as far as the eye can see with the assist of sunlight. The distracting sound of a rooster can be heard in the distance, crowing at the top of his fragile lungs as if the sun rises every five minutes. There can be nothing more pleasing to the senses than the SUNRISE. Nature is at its best at this heavenly hour. Around 6:30 in the morning i went to watch sunrise at the beach in Port Lincoln. I enjoyed looking into the horizon of the sea where the sky and the water were merging together, how the waves were covering each other, and the sun that was reflecting its rays from the water. The golden rays of the sun give a bright coloring to the clouds. Sunrise marks the journey of the sun in the sky. At first, there appears a small ball of light in the sky. Birds sing to its shine. At this time of hour you can enjoy reddening beauty of sky. It is the time when the day casts away the cloak of night. The first rays of the sun are cool and bracing to the eyes. The beauty of sunrise is beyond description at the beach. All of sudden, the golden ball shining in the sky grows big in size. Plants and trees feast on the rays of the sun.

And finally the sun rose, filling the sky with shades of orange and pink. Peach and magenta, amber and rose, radiating hope, a new beginning. Another chance to live. The start of a brand new day.

The first impression of SUNSET is a beautiful and mystifying creation of the nature that leaves a great image in people's minds. Sunset is always magical and i saw this at Mount Dandenong Ranges. As the sunset was starting, the sun was going down slowly and seems like it was hiding somewhere in the mountains. Color was changing from creamy yellow to shades of glowing orange. The rays were not reaching the land any more. Some parts of the landscape were getting dark as though the sun was going down. The difference in its position in a short time period was noticeable. In few seconds the sun was already all red and its red color spread all over the sky. The reddish clouds looked like cotton candy in the sky. Sunset symbolizes end of the day and time for break.

The clouds are puffs of white magic in acres of blue. They are the brilliance of a new page upon a sky canvas of such consistent hue. Clouds add drama and softness to the beautifully desolate landscape. I have seen different types, patterns and colours of clouds in Australia at different places which leaves you astonished.

Alluring views of sky makes you feel extremely blessed.

Sunrise at Port Lincoln

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Meet me where sky touches the sea. Sun appears like coming out of the sea.

Photo of Australia by Amanat

There is big blue sky waiting behind the clouds

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Sky is daily bread of my eyes. Beautiful sky with clouds at Chandon Australia

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Magical sunset at Mount Dandenong Range.

Photo of Australia by Amanat

And the sky is pink. Amazing view of sky after sunset.

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Rain is on the way . Incredible colours of sky at kangroo island Australia

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Dark cloudy sky at Twelve Apostles in Australia

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Spectacular blue sky in Sydney Look into the sky you will be alright

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Those clouds are the angels' robes

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Cumulus clouds in the sky at Ballarat Village, Australia

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Scenic beauty of sky

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Enchanting sunset . Sunsets are proof that ending can be beautiful too.

Photo of Australia by Amanat

Sky is canvas The canvas to be repainted

Photo of Australia by Amanat