Where is Nag Tibba?
Nag Tibba(3,022 metres) is the highest peak in the lesser himalayan region of Uttarakhand state and lend its name to the 'Nag Tibba Range' .

How to reach Nag tibba
Nearest Railway station :
Dehradun is nearest railway head. Mussorrie is located 33 km from railway head.
Nearest Airpoport
Dehradun's Jolly Grant is nearest airport. Mussorrie is located 60 km from airport.
Delhi to Mussorrie
Mussorrie is located at 285 kms from Delhi. Buses and cabs are available easily.

Nag tibba trek Route
Delhi - Mussorrie -Pantwari village -Nag tibba base camp -Nag tibba summit -Pantwari-Delhi
Best time to visit
Though nag tibba is year around destination but the best time to visit is late September-March.How ever Mid november-March is best season for Nag tibba trek.

Why Nag tibba is good for beginners
1. All in one package trek - During 2 days of trek, hikers experience most that much longer Himalayan trek has to offer.Pine trees, ankle deep snow and amazing views of some of the highest himalayan peaksShort
2. Duration : Depending on the route, trek may vary 2-5 days.It takes around 7hrs(10 km) depending on your speed to reach hill top base camp

3. Easier Winter trek- Nag tibba can be counted among easy winter trek.Terrain is gentle without longer stretches of steep climb.So this is perfect for people with less or no trekking experience.
Day 0
Departed from Delhi at 8PM .
Day 1
We reached Pantwari next day morning around 9 AM. After freshen up ,we started trekking for base camp.Distance from Pantwari to base camp is 5.5 km. Initial trek passed through goat village and then continues spur of the mountains.
Check official website of goat village for cost stays and cottages here

Rest of the trek passes through dense forest and meadows. There are some steep stretches during the trail. We were lucky to spot some big langoors in the forest. Make sure to stay with the group since you might get lost during the way to uphill. Night stay was in the camps

Best part of this trek is that it can be done in any season without any prior experience.
Walking into the wild away from the city fills your heart with emotions you have never felt before. Although the trek is easy but its not well marked so it could be bit challenging some time so its advisable to stay along with group.

Water sources are extremely important on the trek to Nag Tibba ,especially because they are so scare.Every one must carry at least 2 litre of water bottle before heading out. We got the last water point right after goat village en route base camp.
We reached base camp by 5 PM. It was now time for some snacks and tea with the beautiful sunset.

We were lucky enough to have dark and clear night sky, dinner with bon-fire and starry sky view was the perfect end of the day. We tried capturing this beautiful starscape in our lenses!!

Day 2
We woke up 4 AM in the morning. After having delicious breakfast, it was now time to trek for summit. First point of halt was Nag Mandir.
The hike from base camp to Nag Mandir was really steep. Entire journey from Nag Mandir to Nag Tibba Summit is of approx 2 hrs.

It is advisable to start early in the morning to catch the glimpse of the most beautiful sunset in between snow covered mountains. The view comprised of Higher Himalayas peaks like Nanda devi,Bandar -Poop Chand and many more. Live the most of the views and trek down back to camping site at Nag mandir.
We reached back to camping site by 2 PM. It was now time to have Rajma chawal in lunch. By 3 PM we started to descend ,since before sunset we had to reach the base village. Descend was easier as compared to ascend except some patches.

At 8 PM we had bus from Pantwari to Delhi . Next morning by 6 AM we reached Akshardham metro station and marked end of this beautiful trek to Nag Tibba.

**Don't listen to what they say, go and see it **
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