Many of us think to do what heart says. Many of us do what they think. Some do, some don’t. I always wanted to be like the one who does what heart says. One day after thinking much, I selected a place out of no where but because that place is near to my place and I left with my friends. The roads are curvy and hugged the mountains and the view just blows your mind away. One such Arcadian road trip is to Lansdowne. Not to mention, the road trail was comely, and I looked up at the cerulean fall sky to feel the sun. Damn! That was the sight, I fell in love with this place. I tell you, the moment you revisit the place all over again when you’re writing about it which gives you nothing but rejoice, then that place has your soul. A part of mine is still there. After research, I happened to know about the army battalion which made me reach the place in a blink.

About Lansdowne:
Lansdowne is one of the quietest hill stations of India and is popular since Britishers came to India. Originally known as Kaludanda after Kalu (Black) and Danda (hills) in Garhwali, named after then Viceroy of India (1888-1894), Lord Lansdowne in 1887. It was developed by the British for catering for the Recruits Training center of the Garhwal Rifles and was a major place of the activities of freedom fighters from British Garhwal during British period. Lansdowne is unlike other hill stations as it is well connected with motorable roads but remote in its own way. It is situated at an altitude of 1,706 m above sea level surrounded with thick oak and blue pine forests in the Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand state.
There is a road situated between jaiharikhal and Lansdowne which is called cool road where Indians were not allowed during the British times, it was only meant for Britishers. For the movement of Indians, a parallel road situated below this road was used.
My Journey
I started at 5 on Friday evening by bike. The route we followed was Noida, Meerut, Bijnore, Najibabad, Kotdwar and on to Lansdowne. Four breaks in between, reached my resort in Kotdwar. But on the way, we had to cross a forest which has wild elephants, tigers. During the breaks on the way, I was told by many people that travelling at night-time crossing jungle is frightening thing. But who knows what is going to happen! I really wanted to try that adventure. Even though my heart was balefully scared, my mind pushed me to take up the noxious deed awaited ahead. With a heavy throbbing heart, crossed the forest. I have seen huge display boards to be careful while crossing the forest. Such a tremulous feeling I experienced but haven’t spotted any animal.
It took extra 1 hour to find the resort we booked since the resort is on mountain and the signal drop was very intense. Finally reached at 11 pm. Since I was tired, I called it a day soon after dinner but realized that the resort was built beside a waterfall. It was too windy and cold there. After a quick breakfast and a bath in the waterfall (again, only I went up for this adventure in the mordant cold weather) we started to Lansdowne from Kotdwar.

“Beauty not appreciated is a sin”
On the way to Lansdowne, the scenic views were limpid, and the roads were steep. The slopes of the hills are lavishly covered with pine trees throwing up the sun rays down from the escape holes between the branches. The roads are especially for those who love nature and enjoys the bike ride on the silky roads of Lansdowne.

Upon reaching Lansdowne, roamed around the town and started to Tarkeshwar temple. Which is 120 kms from Lansdowne. I’ve to tell you this – the landscapes are enthralling to watch. Just like every where you see in the movies or read in a novel, how people rest under tree, I opened a cloth sheet and spread it on the green lush of grass under a tree to rest. It was my all-time dream memory to spend like that – cold breeze around, sleeping under a tree with a hot sun drenching rays from the top and of all that, I relax. All, at a time. It happened just like I dreamt.
After a while, I reached the temple. It was like any valley, filled with vacuum, there I was, observing the valley with the tallest pine trees around with the bells all around the temple, the most pleasant place, quite place filled with positive divine aroma. Tarkeshwar Mahadev is a village 36 km from Lansdowne and at a height of 1,800 m. The place is known for its temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Surrounded by thick forests of cedar and pine, it is an ideal place for those who seek for beauty in nature. The way was so splendid. Spent around 2 hours there and drove back to Lansdowne where I had lunch in a hotel on the top of the hill and not by aback, the pine trees are abounding there. Surreal views greeted on the way back to Lansdowne.

I visited Tip and Top (Tiffin top called by Locals) which is a perfect place to view some of the panoramic Garhwal hills with majestic Himalayan range at the backdrop, a perfect place to feel some salubrious Himalayan air with a peaceful mind. If you visit during winter, you can witness an uncounted number of hills top and long series of snow-capped Himalayas from Tip N Top. At 1700 mts height, one can experience the unmatched beauty of the Lansdowne. On the way down from Tip N Top, visited St Johns church which was constructed during 1936. A placid place to encounter. By the time I reached the church, the sun was setting. So, I rushed to the sunset point.
Out of all the trip, my words can be the best if I illustrate that feeling of watching the perfect sunset. I captured and experienced one of the best sunsets with lot of colors gleaming from the rays of the sun. I felt like it was abstracted from a painting, a comely art, what not! Merely can’t be compared to anything. Such a delightful sight to experience. I completely, truly and deeply lived that moment. Soon reached resort after a great dinner and called a day. Next day early morning started to Delhi since I don’t want to scare my fellow bikers with wild elephants and tigers. Had a happy bike + road trip.

1. please book the stay in advance else you will be looted there.
2. Government guest houses are also available which have pools and amazing views but as mentioned, should be booked prior.
Trip Budget: (for 2 persons)
Petrol – 1900/-
Stay – 1800
Food – 1000
Route : Noida to Lansdowne – 208 Kms – can reach in 4-5 hours including breaks.