Each peaks has symbolic significance in Hindu religion..!!
During the phase of trekking we had a superb view of peaks and each peaks have symbolic significance in Hindu religion. Like, Dronagiri Peak is known for its closeness to the nation's most revered epic - The Ramayana. in Ramayana, Lord Laxman being wounded by a powerful salvo (shakti vaan) from Meghnath. On advice from Sushain Vaidya (Herbologist) Lord Hanuman went to fetch the life saving herb from Dronagiri peak. Failing to identify the required herb, Lord Hanuman lifted the herb filled top of the green Dronagiri peak and flew back to Lanka. The Vaidya identified the herb and saved Laxman's life. You will feel that mountain top actually looks chopped off.

Moreover, If you are stepping into Himalayas for the first time the Kuari Pass is the trek to do..It's best for beginners..!!

To begin with, Kuari Pass is as easy moderate trek, which makes it easy enough for someone starting out in the Himalayas. Even for the first day of the trek you get to see superb mountain views, Neelkanth, Hathi Ghoda Prabat, Nanda Ghunti, Mana, Changbang,Rishi Pahad, Mt. Kamet (7756 m), Mt. Nanda Devi (7817 m), Trishul (7120 m) Dronagiri & Chaukhamba (7128 m). As you go higher, more mountains reveal themselves. They span the horizon making it a spectacular show.

On the route, you will find numerous beautiful forests which are really old with blooming rhododendron and oak trees. There is an interlude of meadows which gives the forest entry so beautiful every time. The region is used extensively by the local shepherds, and it is a great activity to explore one of the richest meadows in the Himalayas to get a full view of the splendid snow-clad peaks.