It was discovered some 105 years back where ruins from the times of 6th century BC were discovered. Years of smuggling of the antiques had led to a major decline of the ruins until it was recognized by the government as a heritage site that could be conserved and maintained.

It is located in Berachampa village in North 24 Pgs. One can avail the train, bus or hire a cab to travel to this place. The station will be Harua road station. The name of the place has been derived by an ancient story, where a Muslim sage offered the then ruler Chandraketu to convert the people into Muslim religion. In motive to convince the king, he showed various magical tricks out of which one was blooming an off season flower called Chapa.

The immense historical ruins still visible at this place are a sheer sight to view! It used to be a prosperous urban settlement. The Amril Kunds and the Jivad Kund, two water reservoirs were said to have magical powers to heal. The site was recently excavated and as of now stands as Khana Mihirer Dhipi named after the archaeologist who discovered the place. A temple of the Pala period was discovered after excavation. Another place can be viewed is the Chandraketugarh Mound again an area of ruins.