Hy guy I want to share for celebration new year in 2017. It's my first blog any website to publish .hopefully you are enjoy this experience trip to Byssi.one of the best place for celebrate new year in India. Rishikesh Uttarakhand is the best place because you celebrate night party for new year and you can do adventure and different activates participate for ex- Rafting, bungee jumping.india's best place for bungee jumping . and Jump master flown in form new Zealand to operate bungee jumping.
Byssi near Rishikesh
Byssi is near place Rishikesh to 35 km .and its famous for camping tour for every time .and Byssi have beautiful location for nature 100-200m down for hill you can see ganga River and see raft in the river .rafting start to this point .and to night You Can hear the sound of the river peacefully in camp. And you can see the sun rise for beautiful .
And I was staying to this place on night and celebrate new year party with new friends. I m meet new friend to this place is come to Delhi and Jaipur .
Rafting Byssi to Rishikesh
Its beautiful experience to everyone go on rafting every time .2-3 hours root for rafting and 3-4 point to rafting place .rafting place mean's is water is going fast and moving your raft .per day many raft go on river .with saying Her her gange . And we are going 7-8 member in single raft and enjoy the rafting .