Beatles Ashram

22nd Jan 2016
Photo of Beatles Ashram 1/7 by Bong Blogger
Beatles Ashram - Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Photo of Beatles Ashram 2/7 by Bong Blogger
Beatles Ashram - Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Photo of Beatles Ashram 3/7 by Bong Blogger
Beatles Ashram - Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Photo of Beatles Ashram 4/7 by Bong Blogger
Beatles Ashram - Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Photo of Beatles Ashram 5/7 by Bong Blogger
Beatles Ashram - Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Photo of Beatles Ashram 6/7 by Bong Blogger
Beatles Ashram - Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

Imagine there's no heaven !! No hell below us !! Above us only sky !!
Imagine there's no countries !! Nothing to kill or die for !! And no religion too
Imagine no possessions !! No need for greed or hunger !! Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer !! But I'm not the only one !! I hope someday you'll join us !! And the world will live as one !!

Photo of Beatles Ashram 7/7 by Bong Blogger

In the year of 1968, small place Rishikesh hit the world news headline and became a most significant place for the foreigners. But why? the answer my friend blowing in the wind !! Four of  "The BeatlesMania" came to Rishikesh, India to attend a session of transcendental Meditation at the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

It was February 1968, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr along with his wife stepped into Rishikesh to stay, following an interest and earlier visit by George Harrison. They came here for rehabilitation from LSD abuse, as that time, all four members from The Beatles were suffering. They lived in the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, not for a very long period of time. Ringo Starr and his wife didn't like vegetarian foods and also missed their children, so they left early but others stayed for month or two. They wrote many famous songs during their stay at this Ashram and afterward published those songs in "Abbey Road" and "White Album".

At the beginning, I was little fearful, because couldn't notice any visitor there and it is in the jungle and also abandoned. Imagine there's no heaven, that much is okay but just imagine my situation walking down in jungle to explore a abandoned place but couldn't trace anybody around. Rajaji Tiger Reserve is famous for Wild Elephants and Tigers, So Initially in my imagination all the tigers and Wild Wild Elephants were coming. When I started witnessing the impressions of the presence of Beatles all around that took away all negativity from me. Believe me, I heard the footsteps of all great four and if you concentrate even you can hear them sing....................................

Places to See:-

Ashramas (Hermitages) :- On the front side after the entrance there is an Ashram which is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram. But on the back side of this Ashram, there are three Ashramas where the Beatles stayed there. Every Ashram has separate names as Anand Puri, Janak Puri, and Siddha Puri. Where ever you look you will see many Graffiti and it's hard to find the originals what Beatles made during their stay................

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