Kartik Swami Temple is in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand. The nearest village from this temple is Kanak Chauri. This temple falls between Rudraprayag Pokhari route. For the travelers who love trekking can find it easy to trek for 3kms mild trek from village RaniChauri.

The Trek begins from Rani Chauri having small traditional tea shops and it will take 2-3 hours depending on your pace to reach the temple. Kartik Swami is dedicated to the elder son of Lord Shiva Kartikeya, who offered his bones as testimony of his devotion to his father. It is believed that the incident took place here. Lord Kartik Swami is also known as Kartik Murugan Swami in the southern part of India.
When you trek towards Kartikswami, you can hear the sound of hundreds of bells hung in the temple from almost 800 meters away from the temple. A flight of 70-80 stairs is the main road which leads you to the compound of the temple where the idol is kept.

The best way to reach Kartik Swami is to board a bus from Haridwar/Rishikesh to Rudraprayag. Kartik Swami temple is only 40kms from Rudraprayag on Rudraprayag - Pokhari route. You can hire a taxi from Rudraprayag or take a shared one.
The best way to reach Kartik Swami is to board a bus from Haridwar/Rishikesh to Rudraprayag. Kartik Swami temple is only 40kms from Rudraprayag on Rudraprayag - Pokhari route. You can hire a taxi from Rudraprayag or take a shared one.