Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign!

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

Are you one among those people whose daily ritual involves reading your astrology the first thing in the morning, knowing what the stars have to tell about you and what new adventures the planets are inviting in your life? If yes, have you ever chosen a destination to travel based on your zodiac signs? Traveling to a specific destination according to one’s zodiac may sound a little conventional to new age thinkers, but it’s fun! After all, who wouldn’t love to travel to a destination that has the same characteristics as you. Below is the list of places you should travel as per your zodiacs!

1. Capricorn | Stockholm

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

A Capricorn’s personality is interesting because they are reserved, yet love the company of people - not to mention they are ambitious and disciplined. Thus, a Capricorn would choose a vacation that allows them to enjoy their company and their time while fulfilling a sense of accomplishment or take a trip that allows a high level of exploration. Cities like Stockholm or Prague where the walking and outdoor discovery is endless.

2. Aquarius | Thailand

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

An Aquarius is independent and free-spirited - there’s no tying them down. The single-minded and inventive nature of an Aquarius is reflected in their ideal vacation. An Aquarius plans a trip that allows for them to explore off-the-beaten-path or discover an untouched natural wonder or head out on a solo adventure where they make their own rules. Backpacking on an adventure throughout Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia, would be an ideal choice.

3. Pieces | Bora Bora

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

The escape artist, the runaway bride is the imaginative Pisces. Due to the Pisces’ escapist nature, a trip that satisfies their need for freedom and remoteness is a must. What better than choosing Bora Bora and booking an overwater bungalow - completely remote, not a thing on the itinerary and explore the neon blue waters right off your balcony!

4. Aries | Bagan

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

This independent and energetic sign is in dire need of adventure and they need it now! The last place an Aries will enjoy is basically anywhere that has not a lot of activities. Turn over every rock, climb every tree, and say hi to everyone they meet. Myanmar’s valley of Bagan is where an Aries can explore hundreds of ancient temples or hike and rock climb.

5. Taurus | Sardinia

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

Warm-hearted, kind, and loving is that of a Taurus - but let’s not forget their love for self-indulgence. Book a luxury trip where you can relax and truly unwind. A trip to Sardinia, Italy’s lap of luxury, the land of royal relaxation and grandeur. Not in the mood for italian food? Splurge on a trip to St. Lucia where you can bask in the opulence of this tiny and stunning Caribbean island.

6. Gemini | Tokyo

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

A true Gemini has no capacity for downtime, so why should their vacations be any different? Geminis are adaptable, flexible, easily bored, often in two state of minds and have a penchant for new and exciting situations. Exploring an expansive city like Tokyo or backpacking trip throughout Europe with friends is the best choice.

7. Cancer | Aspen

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

Cancers are an interesting dichotomy of characteristics - very family oriented, loving, and nurturing, yet they have an insatiable itch for exploration. They love to be surrounded with good company and relax but don’t get too comfortable because in the blink of an eye, they’ve left - gone exploring. Places like Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, or Aspen, Colorado offer just that.

8. Leo | Seychelles

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

These lions are not here for the understated and the monotonous. Leos are here for the drama of it all! So when it comes to planning a trip, they follow suit to their roaring hearts and visit most Insta-worthy, drool-inducing, FOMO inspiring destination. Charter a private yacht through the Mediterranean or bump shoulders with royalty in the Seychelles. They may also hire a personal photographer.

9. Virgo | Paris

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

The true planner of the zodiac signs. A virgo is the ultimate perfectionist when it comes to, well, everything in life - so expect the most well-curated holiday. Wherever the best restaurants, coffee shops, markets - you name it - and they will find it. Virgos are not so secretly passionate and the romantic type with a committal nature. The romance capital of the world, Paris, is the perfect place to be.

10. Libra | Mayo

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

Libras find solace in the tranquility of it all. The hustle and bustle of a big city would be an overwhelming experience, but peace and quiet is what will spark the interest of a Libra. If you’re a Libra, find your way to a charming little town with quiet corners, good restaurants and cultural sights to explore or the county of Mayo in Ireland is exactly what you need! Castle ruins, pubs, green as far as the eye can see and bed and breakfasts will make your heart swoon.

11. Scorpio | Yosemite

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

Nature is the word! Scorpios have a deep need to unwind and recharge. They have a great love for mother nature and love to swan dive off-the-grid into her arms, turning the phone off, getting out the camping gear, and being one with nature at one of the best camping in the one and only Yosemite National Park.

12. Sagittarius | Easter Island

Photo of Where To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign! by SONIA DAVID

Known as the sign with the greatest affinity for travel, they most likely won’t need any help in travel planning. With that being said, it’s the curious and energetic nature of a Sagittarius that sparks the travel bug in them. Always seeking the new and the now, they are looking for the next epic adventure at a far away, untouched destination. The perfect choice is Easter Island - the ancient discoveries are endless. Not remote enough? Other option is Tristan da Cunha - the most remote inhabited location in the entire world!