On our third day of Vegas, we planned a road trip to Grand Canyon. Nevada's wild child city was awesome beyond description. We were so caught up in the excitement that staying awake all night seemed so normal to us.Leaving behind the glimmering lights of Las Vegas, the geological wonders of rugged land, deserts and mountains has left me mesmerized. One can smell the adventure from every corner of the roads that lead to Grand Canyon. The ethereal landscape of the Canyon with its dramatic sunset is enough to captivate a person. I was so enthralled by it's beauty that I hardly noticed the December cold with the snowfall chills. Residing in the gorgeous weather Houston(at present) and in the tropical climate of India, I have never really experienced extreme cold.The road trip, no doubt was a great experience. Starting from Las Vegas, We were ready by 6:30 AM and started our journey for Grand Canyon at 7AM. I know it's a bit early, but I would say that's the best time to start a road trip. The drive itself can be a bit hectic if you plan to return Vegas the same day and also you might be missing a lot of sights along the way. We actually had to return the same day as ours was a short trip.From Vegas, we followed Route US-95 till Boulder City, which becomes US-93 there. The Hoover Dam is an hour from Vegas. From Hoover Dam, its US-93 till Kingman,then following I-40 we headed towards Grand Canyon.The road trip took us approximately 6 hours, since we stopped at a few places in between.
Believed to be one of the construction achievements and marvelous engineering in US, Hoover Dam is an impressive tourist attraction which links Nevada and Arizona. It was an easy 45 min road trip from Vegas. The road trip was all about passing through and around deserts, mountains and cacti-forests. This highest concrete Dam provides one of the country's hydroelectric power facilities. It's probably better to take a guided tour who can help to discover deeper history on it, cause it is heard building the Dam proved to be an immense challenge for the workers. We missed the artwork of Oskar Hansen as we were running out of time.
This post was originally published on 'The Roy journal..'.