Are our Tigers and National parks safe from this Corona Virus Outbreak? Know the Full details about, how is “Corona Virus Outbreak” affecting our National Parks and the life of Tribal People?
Corona Virus Outbreak - How is It Affecting Tiger Reserves & National Park of India?

Corona virus Outbreak:
This frightening pandemic is not only affecting human lives but also Tigers and Big cats are being affected by it.
Some facts have been mentioned below about the effect of this frightening pandemic on Tigers, National Park of India, and The life of Tribal People.
Covid-19 Outbreak On Our Tigers
As we know, India is a home of 2,967 wild Tigers, roughly three - quarters of the world’s total remaining non-captive population of Tigers.
50 Wild Tiger reserves have been put on high alert by the Indian Officials after the death of a 10-year-old male tiger in Pench National park, but the reason for the death of the Tiger was not Covid 19. An Impacted intestine arising from a giant hairball had likely killed the Tiger.
But the cats are known for suffering from respiratory illness, such as rhinotracheitis.
After getting the announcement that a captive 4 - years - old Tiger at New York's Bronx Zoo had tested positive for the COVID 19 - The first confirmed case of the virus in a Tiger - Intensified concerns.
Dr. Anup Kumar Nayak of the National Tiger Conservation Authority and India’s Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change have suggested wildlife administrators in all states with Tigers to restrict the movement of people into National Parks, and Tiger Reserves.

Corona virus Outbreak on Tribal People
Most of the Tribal people depend on Tiger Tourism and their forests, they do not do farming to save the Jungle but after this frightening pandemic they will be jobless because of shut down of the Tiger Tourism. Because most of the drivers, hotel workers, guides, and rangers of the park are these tribal people. Government Officials should also acknowledge the concerns of these tribal people and should take some steps for well being of these tribal people.

Corona virus Outbreak on the Tiger Tourism
Tiger tourism has been paralyzed by this pandemic and it will affect the Tiger tourism industry in the long term because it will take a long time to recover from this pandemic.
National Parks in Central India - Bandhavgarh National Park - Kanha National Park - Pench National Park - Panna and Satpura National Park many other National parks effected with COVID-19, Similar story in all the national parks In India.
Hotels owners, Cabs service providers are worried about their EMI’s and Loans. How they will be able to pay their EMI’s and Loans because they totally depend on the Tiger Tourism, Their all source of earnings is tiger tourism.
They invest their all money in this Tiger Tourism to give the best services to their clients but after this pandemic situation they will be in debt and they will have to face so many problems to settle their business again.