Few days back before the journey began i was excited and on 18th may 2014 the day finally came when i was ready to experience the days of my life .This trip was not just about learning but was a great fun on one hand it was educational trip and i got opportunity to learn a lot on the other hand it was relishing moment for me. I enjoyed a lot at one of the finest attractions and amusement parks around the globe.The first day of my journey was in disney land. The parade over there was full of energy and rejuvenating . All cartoon characters like mickey ,minnie ,goffy etc came to life at the toon parade.Disneyland and magical kingdom is surely an example of juxtaposition where you will laugh from core of your heart and at the same time have blood curdling experience at haunted mansion. And the next day i visited a place where"NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE". i.e. KSC (KENNEDY SPACE CENTER) .There i saw a 3-D movie which highlighted the day to day activities performed by the astronauts .I also got chance to see THE ATLANTIS which was sent to space for so many space expeditions ."The space shuttle program personifies what a great people can do and provide a glimpse of the greatness that lies ahead''. These words reflect that space exploration is ever lasting and will exist till the humans exist on globe. KSC is the region which shows the world how sustainable development can be implemented . NASA people encouraged me a lot.The lunch with astronaut and their attitude towards challenges whenever they face difficulties they never say why me instead they say try me this motivated me a lot .After my visit to nasa i visited cocoa beach where i had a lot of fun and it was really relaxing moment and i enjoyed the sunset.Next day i visited universal studio every moment spent over there was an unforgettable and the best part was hulk waiting for a ride in a que for long time was really worth. The 3-d experience of spider man and harry potter should not be missed. Jurassic park ride was just amazing .Through jurassic park ride i came to know about various species of dinosaurs that ruled earth about 6 billion years ago altogether my visit to universal was great fun . Then on 24th may i landed at new York also called as'' BIG APPLE".Life of new yorker is really interesting and worth living it amazed me that how such a great variety of people from around the globe comprising ethnic population is living with each other as new yorker.In Manhattan the skyscrapers comprising the state empire building forms the skyline which is amongst the vital features of the city.And i visited Niagara falls which undoubtely is a scene of heaven on the earth.The beauty of Niagara falls amazed me and it is the only falls which lies on the border of two countries i.e.USA and Canada.Rainbow bridge view is magnificent . Finally i headed towards new york and over there i visited "THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING " and ''THE STATUE OF LIBERTY" . The empire state building is 103 story skyscraper and i visited the observatory which is on the 86th floor of the building and the view of the city from there made me astound .Now after my visit to state empire building i visited the 93 meter long the statue of liberty situated at the" liberty island ".It was gifted by the people of France and it is the symbol of roman goddess of freedom.At last i left for airport and the memories of this trip will last forever and the laughter,fun and learning combo will always be cherished and unforgettable for me.