It all started when my roommate Alex came to ask me that how many grand do I have in my bank account? Summer breaks were going the way they go, first 20 days are full of happiness and rest of it feels dull and boring, we were idle. So we decided to go on a road trip to the united states of America. We rented an SUV the next day and the initial plan was about 7 days starting from Boston. The bag was packed and we were on the road.
We left for Boston and expected to reach New York in 4 hours, which didn’t happen. How could we miss a river rafting experience in Berkshires said Alex. And our trip started with an adventure “white water rafting”. It took 10 hours and 30 minutes for us to reach New York.

The beauty of New York can only be seen at night. Our hotel was in times square, one of the most populated and beautiful spaces in New York. After settling down in the hotel next morning we started exploring downtown Manhattan. I must say I haven’t seen any park more beautiful than central park the best time to visit is during the fall where you can experience trees in red, orange and yellow. Central park is spread in 3.41 km². We rented a bicycle and started exploring. It is a place where New Yorkers come to relax, read and express themselves. It took us one full day to enjoy mesmerizing central park. Late evening, we decided to sit and feel the inflow of energy at times square. The next day we planned for empire state building and rock on the top and I must tell you the view from 102 floors are as breathtaking today as it was when first open in 1931. Late night, we decided to enjoy the night life and someone said it correct “A city that never sleep”. The next day we went for shopping on 5th Avenue. Eye popping window display and fascinating ambience wile blow you mind walking around the 5th avenue made me realize why New York is called shopaholic heaven. Same day in the evening we left for Washing D.C.
We could feel immense power in the air when we entered D.C. As soon as we reached the hotel we left for the national mall which is open 24 hours for visitors where you sense into the history of The united states. Start with zero monument and to the north you could see the most famous resident “the white house” and to the south is the Washington monument which is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk, standing 554 feet 7 11⁄32 inches. We stayed in Washington for two days and while roaming around you could see national hearoes on most of the streets unfolding the chapters of history. On day 5 we left for left for Chicago we drove nonstop 12 hours to reach Chicago. The windy city has hung skyline and beautiful monuments which are dazzling and breathtaking. Start with the business district and feel the infrastructure and elevated train line. Go to the tallest building to Chicago and take a ride to 62nd floor, on some windy way you may feel the building is waving. There was lot more to see in this city but due to lack to time we departed. While returning back home Alex saw one of our friends post of Facebook “Relaxing in San Francisco” and guess what!! Yes, we were now going to San Francisco. We gave the car back and now we’re on boarding.

San Francisco it’s not a city, it’s a whole different country. This place was so different from the place we have been living for so long. People here were different their accent were different, different dressing sense, different roads, and a whole new level of living. Start with pier 39 a city inside a city. Feel the wooden sculpture, fresh seafood, ice cream and don’t forget to take a rocket boat ride. After eating sea food go for shopping at union square largest shopping street in California it is famous for white street, cable car and shopping. Just few blocks north of San Francisco is the china town 8 blocks of bustling activities, selling all kind of strange and exotic items. Don’t miss to see the bay bridge, market place, ferry building and the prestige of San Francisco “Golden Gate Bridge” one of the old infrastructure in the country. Travel few miles to the north to muir woods to see long tress and beautiful red soil.

In my word if have been to United states of America but have not seen San Francisco than you haven’t seen anything yet. After spending 3 day in bay area I though our trip was over and even bank account balance was falling below minimum range, But no we traveled more than 3500 miles to reach San Francisco now how can we miss Las Vegas. This was the only time I got super excited. We rented the car again and we were on the highway 101 the coastal highway one of the most exotic highways in the world.

Driving few hours, we decided to stop in Los angles “Hollywood” and we went to Universal studios a day full of adventure and scenic beauty. And yes, how could we forgot the “Hollywood sigh” after many years of GTA vice city I found. And finally we arrived In Las Vegas, Nevada. A place like nowhere on the earth.

Casinos, whiskey and girls this city has it all. We still do not have accounts for where we spend 3 days in Vegas. As people say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
On day 20th while returning back to Boston with no money in our pockets and a huge credit card debt to be paid. But what I take along is 1 bag full of memories, adventure, and a crazy friend. I still remember how we smarty packed our bags planning of a 7-day trip, which turned out to be 20 days.