When I visited the city of London early last year with my family members, I went to the Natural History Museum, which was very exciting. The section I enjoyed the most was realistic, moving, Tyrannosaurus Rex Model. It was so lifelike and many young children there were getting scared of it! After seeing the robotic T Rex, I have developed such an obsession with dinosaurs and prehistoric life generally. I visited the souvenir shop to search for dinosaur models. I ended up buying an excellent small T Rex model from there. Then I began to get into reading textbooks about dinosaurs and I thought of this question: was T Rex a hunter or scavenger?

According to a few researchers, the T Rex was a hunter, and also because of its big head, it was able to crush the bones of live animals and kill them as a hunter usually does, however, some scientists argue that T Rex is a scavenger because it was so slow and its arms were too small to even reach its head! The argument continues... What do you feel?

There are a lot of similar arguments relating to dinosaurs, such as the outer skin of the Velociraptor, was it scaly, or was it feathers like pores and skin, like a bird? Another typical argument is how the dinosaurs were wiped out. Was their extinction because of harsh weather conditions, a meteor, also many people think that aliens carried them away in flying saucers or UFOs, or they just simply couldn’t look after themselves and just died out. Only The Almighty knows what happened, but nothing changes the fact that dinosaurs were awesome beings and some of the biggest creatures that ever walked the face of the Earth. At the time of the dinosaurs, there have been other enormous creatures such as Pteradons, which lots of people think that they were different creatures. Each year, new dinosaur fossils are now being found all the time including meaner, bigger, and brainier dinosaurs than Tyrannosaurus Rex! Not only did I enjoy my day in London, but I learned something too. I want to see the museum again. It was the best experience I’ve ever had, it was so cool.
I want to say a special thanks to the Shagle app service, which allowed me to prepare for the train, get to know the locals, who showed me the best places to visit. Without their help, I would not have been able to get such good emotions from what I saw. That day when I visited London, I took lots of London souvenirs home, but I liked my T Rex model the most.