The Turning Point of my Journey to life - 2016
I was shattered and had lost all my interests. It was 21st March 2016, Dubai. I was preparing my resignation letter while I was trying to figure out true words for it, in the back of my mind I was thinking how life is gonna be if i leave this job now. I am 27 years old and already pretty much fucked up in my mind. I read it somewhere that morning "Do what you love and you will never work a day life" and i started thinking what is it that i love to do. I had no ideaa.... I was blank. I didn't know what I really wanna do, but i was pretty sure that i definitely don't want this what i have been doing since past 5 years. I was chosen by my work, i didn't choose it. All I knew is I want to escape from here and discover myself!
I took a flight and came back to India.
Now I was free from all the hassles, had some money saved in my accounts so I was pretty much okay. Having spent one week at home I started planning to do all those things which I always wanted to do but never gave myself time for it. I am good singer, I love to travel, adventures, sports, music, and am creative as well, so where do i start from, so I chose to follow the thing which i love the most, AND that's TRAVEL :D

So where did it starts from ?
2007 my first ever solo trip- to MAURITIUS. July 2007, I was 18 years old and sitting alone in the waiting lounge at the New Delhi Airport I was gazing at other people around me, I was nervous and equally excited about this journey. 6:30 hours flight from Delhi to Mauritius kept me all excited and I couldn't catch a sleep even for a second. Mauritius was beautiful indeed. I almost explored it all in the first week of my arrival as its a very small island. Beautiful beaches, green mountains, green fields, all nature around me! I loved it.

London - 2009
I was excited to meet my brother there and yeah it was LONDON :D My dream city. Finally I was going there man!!! 12 hours non-stop flight from Mauritius to London was the longest air travel i did in my life as yet. I was living the time of my life. I was there at the best time of the year December - January. While other people in London were loosing their Jobs in Recession, I was enjoying the recession shopping sales and touristic spots. One fine day I packed my bagpack and started my rooadtrip in the Heart of the city. Everything was so fresh and I still feel nostalgic as my writing it all down. But let's skip london now, there is more to this story ;)

2012 - 2016 - Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, --- in the land of deserts!!!
I landed up in middle east, after a few months of excitement I got busy at work. Spent a lifetime there. I wasn't actually enjoying my living there but I had to focus on my career and it was the need of the time to stay focussed and keep doing what I was doing. I was an HR Professional and was doing pretty good at my job. Saudi Arabia was still better but as I started working in Dubai I realised over the time that this is not what I want to do in my life. I wasn't happy. Money is a need but i wanted to follow my passion, do what i like. I started hating that concrete place where everything was artificial. I am more of a nature lover. I wasn't enjoying the "Paradise" thats what people call Dubai. I wanted to be there for my passion for travel and exploring new culture and people, but i was just working in my cubicle each day and finish my day with a heap of files.

Present Day - 19th June 2016
Its been a week I am back from my 1 month trip - from THE HIMALAYAS. I am all Fresh and I know what i want from my life and What my passion is and how I want take life forward from this point. That's what I call Travel Magic :)
I'll share with you how it all happened and how I Discovered myself in my next post!

Till then all I can say - Start Living your life, Do what you love and if you don't know then Explore yourself before exploring anything else!