For dog lovers, there’s no greater pleasure in life than spending time with pawed companions. Getting paid to do this is only an added advantage. And when the amount is Rs 29 Lakhs, everyone would be onboard with the opportunity! A couple in London is offering to pay this amount to someone who can take care of their two golden retrievers Milo and Oscar.
Job Description

Recently, the couple posted an ad on a recruitment website. The duo travel a lot for work and are searching for someone ideal to look after their dogs as a live-in care-giver.
The specified salary is $41,000 or Rs 29,39,925 approximately.
Job location
Free accommodation for the selected person at a sprawling six-storeyed London house is part of the deal.
Number of Working Days
The elected person will have to work from Monday to Friday, with occasional weekends.
Requirements for the job
The stakes are high and so are the requirements for this job. The owners want applicants who are passionate about dog-care. The person applying for the job should be fit and active. The dog-sitter's role also involves cooking and taking care of the house. In addition, they will have to welcome guests, take calls, and occasionally cook evening meals with a vegan option.
If you think this is the dream job you have been waiting for, then click here to apply or for more information. And if you manage make the cut, give the doggos a pet from our side!
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