Where- Sarojini nagar market , opposite Big C, and gafiti lane.
If you are looking for a place to buy best Boots in Delhi then head to this small stall located in Sarojini Nagar, Delhi.
They sell plenty of variety of boots in colours and sizes. However they only have single pieces in every design but it's worth.
Every penny you will spend here will be worthy. Here you will get quality and design like you get in HnM, Zara, Carlton London ,Hush puppies. The price starts from 1000 to 2000. I got my self 2 pairs for 2300 and I. In love with my purchase. Also I received so many compliments that I again went and bought for my sister so do check out if you are Sarojni Nagar Market. This shop is oppsite to Big C and gafiti lane.