10. Buckingham Palace
This British Monarch House played a pivotal role in the 2008 episode, ‘Voyage of the Damned’ when a starship fashioned to look like the Titanic almost crashed into the palace until the Tenth Doctor, at the controls, managed to avert the disaster. Today you can see this royal house in all its grandiose at the City of Westminster.
9. 10 Downing Street
My personal favourite, 10 Downing Street, captures the real essence of Britain with its black lined door. House of major British politicians, this iconic street appeared during the Ninth Doctor’s time, when it was taken over by the rather disgusting (and my least favourite aliens), the Slitheens. Situated near the Buckingham Places, a trip to 10 Downing Street is a must for Eccleston Fans (like me!).
8. Tower of London
Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London. The tower is visited by almost all doctors, and is knows to imprison them too. The most memorable visit in the modern era, was during 2013’s 50th anniversary special ‘The Day of the Doctor’. There’s a lot of history within those walls! Not that you’d remember ever being there, of course. Everyone has their memory promptly wiped after each visit. It’s probably for the best.
7. National Gallery
The National Gallery is an art museum on Trafalgar Square in London. In the Who universe, the museum has a secret annex, the Under-Gallery, which was constructed by Elizabeth I to house any art deemed too dangerous for public consumption. ‘Gallifrey Falls No More’ was among its collection. The National Gallery is free to visit but, according to reports, it’s also full of Zygons. You have been warned…
6. Trafalgar Square
This is one of the most iconic landmarks in London and it’s experienced its fair share of Doctor Who action over the years, most recently in The Day of the Doctor when the titular Time Lord made quite the entrance after the TARDIS was commandeered by UNIT. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the Doctor!
5. Westminster Bridge
Westminster Bridge is a road and foot traffic bridge over the River Thames in London, linking Westminster on the north side and Lambeth on the south side. Fans have seen Westminster Bridge appear more than once throughout Doctor Who history but the most memorable moment that everybody will remember was in the 1964 First Doctor’s episode ‘The Dalek Invasion of Earth’.
4. Alexandra Palace
This historic entertainment venue in Alexandra Park, London, is located between Muswell Hill and Wood Green, in the north of the city. The Tenth Doctor defeated the Wire atop of Alexandra Palace in Series 2’s ‘The Idiots Lantern’. She was using the large transmitter to infiltrate televisions around the world during the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II.
3. Forbidden Planet
This one isn’t featured in Doctor Who (although the Doctor has visited his fair share of forbidden planets in his time) but it’s certainly worth a visit for your average geek/Whovian. Spread over two floors, you’re guaranteed to find everything your Doctor Who heart desires from comic books to Tom Baker’s iconic scarf. Let’s just hope your wallet is bigger on the inside!
2. Who Shop
Run by a Whovian Family, the Who Shop in London is the Mecca for Whovians all around. Whether you want to splash out on Doctor Who memorabilia or fancy a little browse, it really is a place that you cannot miss when in London. You’ll find a life size Dalek and two TARDISes in the shop, one of which was actually featured in the series itself. For more Doctor Who fun you can pay a small sum to go into the Who Shop Museum.
1. Earls Court Tardis
Go on in, it's bigger on the inside.
I hope this list will help you brag about your Doctor Who knowledge the next time you visit London. And fingers crossed, who knows maybe at one of these places you might find The Doctor.