We travelled out of Dubai just after our 20th week anatomy scan and the timing could not have been better. My energy was at it's peak; it was right in the sultry summer months but hey, we din't care about it. We just wanted to make the most of our last couple-only trip. Coming from the deserts of Dubai, the epic beauty in the Swiss Alps makes our hearts and souls absolutely jolly!
Our second trip was to India for our traditional baby shower with the families, in the 6th month. This was a relatively easier trip as we were going to home. But the excitement of travelling with a bump is something else.
Here are some pointers on travelling with a bump:
1. Plan ahead - Talk to your OBGYN well in advance if you are planning for a baby moon or travel in general. He/ She will eventually be the one clearing you off to travel so trust them and let them know what you wish to do. As much as possible avoid travelling in the first 12 weeks.If you are not first time parents, think about your other kids - it would be best to arrange for them to live with grand parents or trusted friends for a couple of days while you and your partner get some time alone.
2. Luggage - Keep it as light as you can! Remember, your better half is going to be carrying everything around so make sure he is comfortable with how much you stuff in. Carry only basic essentials. You can always hand wash clothes where possible to avoid carrying too much. Also ensure to carry plenty of healthy snacks and dry fruits. Carry tiny pouches to keep this in your hand bag every day. You don't always find edible food as and when you please. Carry your own water bottle and fill it up wherever possible - highly recommend this. Carry covers like a hat, shades, stoles - these are versatile and ensure you are "covered" in all situations.
3. Modes of transport - I believe all modes of transport are safe for you during pregnancy. Just make sure to check with your doc. Some women are prevented from driving, water transport etc. Airport scanners are absolutely safe for pregnant women, don't stress about it. Some airports might allow you to skip walking through if you are uncomfortable. My sister-in-law did some very long road trips throughout her pregnancy and it was absolutely delightful to see her enjoy every journey.
4. Where to go - this is totally up to you and your partner. Let your instinct direct this - if it's the mountains calling, the beach or just a resort you've always wanted to visit.
5. Stay - We've been Air BnB travellers but for the baby moon, we wanted to stick to hotels. The main reason was I wanted air conditioning facilities, as I wasn't too sure how hot I would get. I preferred having the flexibility.
6. Proximity to healthcare facilities - Extremely crucial while planning the baby moon. In most cases, like my own, this was irrelevant in retrospect. But I'm sure if there was an emergency or if the need would have presented itself, we would have struggled for sure. I was just reassured staying in cities where healthcare facilities were easily available, not saying that we chose to stay right next to a hospital :-p
7. Itinerary - Even if you are seasonedtravellers, the bump makes you consider a few additional situations before you getaway. Make sure you don't plan a packed itinerary. Give ample time for travel, and rest. Try not to plan entire day away from the hotel room, split the time between mornings and evenings out. Let this be the time to relax, bond with the bump and spend quality time with your partner. - Do remember that generally during pregnancy, the body tends to heat up quite quickly. Remember to keep this into consideration, even if you haven't felt it yet. Try not to get into extremely high or low temperatures. Of course, you need to remember to keep yourself hydrated - even more while travelling.
9. Travel documents - Make sure to get a travel certificate from your doctor. Though it is not mandatory on all airlines, they do randomly ask for a doctor's certificate, especially if your bump is clearly visible. Also carry your previous medical reports. In case of any emergency, you would not want to be with no past records for any medical professionals to look at.
10. Clothing - What you wear is always important but even more so during pregnancy. Layering always makes it easy to peel off, than carrying around cover ups.
11. Be flexible - Make your plans very fluid. If you are not able to pick yourself up on a particular day or if you need an extended break during the day, let your itinerary be flexible enough to do that. Don't pack in way too much and ensure your travel partner is onboard with your plans
12. Souvenirs - we managed to pick up some little souvenirs for the baby to remind us of our baby moon, and not the cliched fridge magnets.
13. Smile, Enjoy! - Every pregnancy is different.. every baby is different. Make sure to always keep smiling, no matter what complications or troubles you might be facing.

Bon voyage:)
Read my post of general lifestyle tips during a pregnancy here. I'm in the process of writing our voyage tales in detail, which I'll make sure to link here.
Love, Dee PS: I would love to hear feedback from you other lovely mommas out there
* Disclaimer - this is a blog post based on my own experiences during my pregnancy. Please consider that every body, and every pregnancy is unique and what I've mentioned may or may not be applicable to you.