During this quarantine phase, I miss my travelling, so scrolling past photos of the trips saved in drive, I thought of writing my first blog about my recent trip to UAE before this Pandemic.
But before writing, hope those who will be reading it, are all safe and fine including their friends and family.
Its great honour when you get to travel for your work and then the rest time u try exploring near by places understanding the culture and living of the people. I was staying in Abu Dhabi. But, when it comes for me staying alone, I become a bit slothful, so my most of the weekends I just role on bed, watch Netflix and hog food. This was not my first trip to UAE, I had already explored the beautiful parts of Abu Dhabi and Dubai and I bet you guys, its worth seeing at least once.
This second visit to UAE, made me think of visiting unexplored places, and me trying solo trips now a days, planned to explore Al Ain in UAE.
But when weekend arises, I become lethargic and put back my trip and just role on bed. Sometimes I be so “ME”.
Finally, I made that move and googled it out what are the places you can explore in Al Ain, so did some research, checked the bus timings leaving from Abu Dhabi, trying to make hassle-free and less expensive, so I thought of carrying water, fruits and snacks.
So morning with one open eye, wondering at the bus-stop. I boarded the bus to Al Ain and after two hours of bus ride into a deserted place, reached Al Ain.
Places which wanted to explore was sorted, though it was not my first time solo travel, but yes travelling to a tranquil location made me bit petrified. Anyhow, I googled the location and headed walking on the streets.
Though I found the place a bit isolated, very few localite roaming around, no eatery, handful of grocery shops open and one-two voyager like me.
I managed to click photos of some streets, the Turquiose colour mosque near by the road-side, beautifully highlighted the sky and the empty roads attracted me a lot.

Then went to Al Ain Oasis. A short introduction was given by a guard on the gate about oasis which is known for its underground irrigation system which brings water from boreholes to water farms and palm trees. The falaj irrigation is an ancient system dating back thousands of years and is used widely in Oman, UAE, India, Iran and other countries.
Inside they have provided with bicycles for exploring the whole place, However I preferred walking down the route, as it was a very quite place and comfortable route. Birds chirping around, sound of breeze, you just walk and you can just wonder with your thoughts. Small old mosque, the irrigation system which brings water from boreholes to water farms and palm trees which was well maintained and clean can be seen clearing in the pictures.

There were different exit places from Al Ain Oasis, however I took exist from Al Ain Museum.

Some forts where under restoration, so I headed toward Al Jahili Fort. It was beautifully maintained and also there is a small information centre inside the fort where they provide with tea and dates. Seeing other tourist visiting such places, motivates you to explore even more of unexplored locations.
I was more fond of visiting Camel market, however, I was already exhausted walking down the streets, but the climate was sublime and it was far from Al Jahili Fort so I just took a cab and headed to my last destination to the market.
To my surprise, I couldn’t trace one female out there specially in the camel market, talking to the localites there, they sell some camels for racing which take place to near by racecourse, some for selling milks or some just to have pets. The localities where from different countries, trying to sell their camel and trying to earn some commission from showing you the camel, specially the new born camels, old camel, all times of camels, I any how managed to escape from that location coz I was only woman out there and also wanted to looked around other markets, but most of the markets were of different breeds of animals, like goats, cows, sheep, plantations, etc.,
The market was exceedingly large and so after a long walk, I decided to exit the place before it gets dark & cold. I was super starving, good I had fruits, ate that and then took a cab and headed to bus-stop. After so much of walking and running, I finally crashed on my bed.
From this travel I learned, you have to be very careful in choosing place and possibly accommodate someone specially visiting such market areas, though googled didn’t helped me much.
But this trip was mesmerising, I still laugh and enjoy the moments I think of visiting this place.
Hope you would like this blog and enjoyed seeing the ameture photos.
I would be happy to receive comments/feedback if any. Thank You! Much love to everyone!!