As an experienced Traveller When I go to any place I do all necessary things in my backpack to ensure that I must have all the important things during my whole trip. Here I will share My personnel Checklist of the things which I take with me on Local OR international Trip.
1.Kill Boredom
When I plan to Travel anywhere I make sure that I pack my entertainment Tools (Gadgets) like iPad, Ipod (For Songs) , Books, Laptop , Make sure you have all your favourite songs in your iPod So that you can enjoy and you can beat boredom during your long Journey and also during your Transit waiting time It will always help you If you Read good books and If you listen good music of your Choice .
2.Personnel Hygienic Things
Mostly Hotels offers you these things But I suggest That you should carry these things with you like Soap,Oil,Hair Gel, Shaving Kit , Perfume, Face wash, Deo, Comb, Sunscreen, Body Lotion , Bands, etc as per your choice and needs.
3.Always get Connected
You should get your Devices y help of which you will be connected with your friends and family like mobile phones and Laptops. These days you can get Free Wi-Fi on almost every hotel if it’s not located in a remote area. So, it’s better if you take your Device and get connected all the time.
4.Related Clothes Only
It seems so easy that it just clothes but trust me it’s not that easy. Many Novice travelers pack so many clothes or very less clothes and then they have problem during their Stay. Also 1 more thing which is very important and you should keep in mind before Packing of your Clothes is that the place is also very important where you are going to holiday. For example, if you are going to a Cold Place Like Europe or Hot like Dubai, if you are going to a Rain Forest or an island. If you are going to a water sport Place or a very dry place. So, your clothes Must compliment your place of visit Otherwise you will feel problem. So, decide the quality and quantity of your Clothes wisely.
5.Cameras to capture your moments
If you love to capture your most beautiful experiences then you must purchase a DSLR. When I start travelling I thought that a Good mobile phone is enough for pictures, but trust me I was wrong DSLR is DSLR and no mobile can Compete with this. So, if you can afford it to purchase Please do this on priority. And learn few basics of Photography as well.
6.Check your Local Currency
Find out which country you are going and which Currency you need to Carry. Its obvious thing that Almost every country has different Currency. So, I advised you that always Calculate and purchase few Currency of the country you are heading. Just an instance I went to Indonesia And I have Local Indonesian Currency but I must wait at malarian Airport for 2.5 hours. I was not able to eat anything there because I didn’t have that currency. I don’t know but their machine didn’t accept my American Express Card. But important thing is you plan your visit because nothing can replace money where you need money you need money.
7.Plan Best Itinerary
Its very Important thing I do Before I go to any new country. You should make a proper itinerary including your choices place. for an instance, you don’t like museums and suppose your tour manager wastes your 2 days in museums than you can imagine your trip will get ruined. So, it’s better that you plan the place before you go. where you want to go at least major places should be in your mind. One more important thing is that you should consider location and distance between the places as well. you should not go to the same location for two times to watch places nearby. Always try to finish spots Area wise. Once you are in any area you must finish all the places nearby you like.
8.Important Documents Handy
This is very important that you keep your all-important documents handy. You can to afford to miss your passport or any important document. So, it’s better you take good care of your docs. Also, I suggest that you should take pic of your all documents in your mobile phone So that you can show at least picture to the officials at the time of need.
9.Always Take Travel Insurance
Many people skip this But I recommend this that you must have Travel Insurance when you leave your country