A classic civilisation that has kept the whole world under a cloud of mystery, it’s the Mayan Civilisation. The doomed splendour of this civilisation still stupefies the present-day world.
The Maya saw its rise and collapse between 250 and 900 C.E. in the backdrop of the rain forests of Southern Mexico and Central America.
I have provided a brief summary about three of the most well-known and historically important Pre-Colombian Mayan ruins.
Chichen Itza
Yucatan’s most magnificent archaeological site, it is also a UNESCO World Heritage area of immense cultural significance. The site contains many fine stone buildings in various states of preservation, and many have been restored.

However, the El Castillo pyramid dominates the center of Chichen Itza ruins. The pyramid consists of a series of square terraces with stairways up each of the four sides to the temple on top. Each of the pyramid's four sides has 91 steps which, when added together and including the temple platform on top as the final "step", produces a total of 365 steps(equivalent to the number of days of the Haab’ year).

A recent discovery has revealed that the ruins of Chichen Itza was at least partially built atop a subterranean river. Archaeologists believe it may have been built on top of the cavern deliberately as it may have had deep religious significance to the ancient civilisation.
Located amidst thick rain forests of the Guatemalan border, Calakmul is one of the most structure-rich sites within the Maya region. The major attraction of this place for tourists is the many artefacts just lying around the ruins.

The ruins of this primeval settlement consist of three groups of structures, with public open spaces and platforms with buildings. Its major monument, the pyramid temple Structure 2, is one of the most massive structures built in the Maya world.

The best part of Calakmul is that you can still climb the pyramids unlike Chichen and Uxmal where they are totally off limits. On the main pyramid, you will have a 360 degree view of the country side and enjoy the enthralling view of the forest to the horizon.

A Pre-Colombian Maya walled city with a spectacular Caribbean coastline makes Tulum one of the top beaches of Mexico.

Each Mayan city had a specific purpose, and Tulum was no exception. It was a seaport, trading mainly in turquoise and jade. This city was built in the late thirteenth century, during what is known as the Mayan post-classic period.

After entering the ruins through one of five doorways in the wall, you are greeted by a field of gently-rolling hills. The only Mayan city built on the coast; there are several theories as to why a wall surrounds Tulum.

The Maya civilisation gave rise to a series of cultural developments that included complex societies, agriculture, cities, monumental architecture, writing, calendrical systems, astronomical knowledge, blood and human sacrifice, and a cosmovision that viewed the world as divided into four divisions aligned with the cardinal directions, each with different attributes, and a three-way division of the world into the celestial realm, the earth, and the underworld.
All put together, this Meso-american civilisation has always been surrounded by mystery and inconclusive evidences which is why it is a subject of interest for many archaeologists.
“Find your heart, and you will find your way.” - Carlos barrios (Mayan Elder)