Zingzing is located on the route from Manali to Leh, at a crucial position and at a high altitude wayside bar. Travelers gather here to sip coffee or eat meals to revitalise the body and soul to return to Leh.
A room where you’re going to want to roll and smoke to avoid intense cold. The location is known as the spot most suited to relax at a height of 4270 metres above sea level. Everyone would have a peaceful atmosphere and the stillness that prevail.
In addition, Baralacha La Pass has boosted the renown of ZIngzing Bar; one of the most popular passes in Ladakh was Zingzing Bar, which is the base of Baralacha La. Therefore on the way to Leh it cannot be overlooked. The temperature at the bar will be loosely low to -2* Celsius, and the probability of feeling sick at the altitude and bodily fluctuations is considerably larger if you rise from a different temperature from the base.