People who are not from Delhi may not have any idea where this is. Safdarjung tomb is located in Delhi and nearest metro station is Jorbagh, you can also try other means of transport like DTC buses or auto of your choice to get there.

But what I am really here to tell you is about how safdarjung tomb is fun visiting during the rainy season. I have been living in Delhi for almost 5 years and never have visited this place during the rainy season. As my brother was bored and wanted to get out, i suggested that we go to the safdarjung tomb to see how it looks during the rainy season.
when we reached there we were surprised, because usually you see a lot of visitors everyday but there were few visitors on that day, may be due to the rain. But it didn't stop us from visiting the safdarjung tomb that day. It was all clear and fresh, in fact if you have lived in Delhi for years you would have already noticed how bad the weather quality is as it stays for a long period of time its very difficult to get a clear view like this. And this is the only season of the year that people in Delhi actually get to breathe fresh air because of the rain.

if you are a delhite or an outsider who never tried visiting The safdarjung tomb during the rainy season, you should definitely put on your list, its worth visiting at least this time of the year. Entry fees for an Indian is Rs 15 and 200 Rs for Foreigners.

and if you are that person who loves to take beautiful pictures, this is definitely the best time for you to get your camera and take that Dream Shot you always wanted.