Why you should Solo Travel?✈️🗺

20th May 2020
Photo of Why you should Solo Travel?✈️🗺 by A little Drift

Why you should Solo Travel?✈️🗺

In the morning,you wake up,and you know and feel what you want,what you like,what you want and where.These all things with your choices and freedom and you think of all the possibilities to achieve it.Its all about you and yourself? Yes its about the term “SOLO”.You know your likes and dislikes,And that time you are ready to hit your own limits. There will be no one to pull over their directions or put their plans on your itinerary.

Want to Roam?Roam Want to Sleep?Sleep…Yes on trip Want to Eat?Eat Want to Leave?Leave Want try adventure sport? GET IT DONE………….. ✓✓

Photo of Why you should Solo Travel?✈️🗺 by A little Drift

Solo Travel all about how to find your own way around alone.The personal and self growth.It taught us well you can trust the strangers and how to survive. I have understood that you will never be alone when you travel solo.In my first solo trip “GOA” i was scared that what if i didn’t find friend and travel with them.I will be alone 😦 But it turns out you make so many on the roads.You will be constantly surrounded by people. Either the locals,people from another countries or cities,vendors,strangers,children…..

If you are putting off a trip because there is no one whom you go with?

STOP WHAT!!!!!!!!!??????? JUST GO

Photo of Why you should Solo Travel?✈️🗺 by A little Drift

Don’t depend on others or let others hold your dreams. Trust me,along the route you will make many of friends 🙂 If you don’t go you will never know.Some of them only can pursue solo travelling Some of them just go it right away and some just cry for weeks,Yea it’s true.You will never learn and gain experience if you don,t travel by yourself once.Don’t wait for people to hold back from living your dreams.If you will not show some effort or interest on your dream, Why would they??? You could be waiting a long time until someone finally says YES to come along with you or take you along.

There is two options left


Photo of Why you should Solo Travel?✈️🗺 by A little Drift

Travel on the ground Travel whenever it is possible.Travelling solo doesn’t mean that travelling alone,Although it is easy to make make friends when you actually alone. Locals and other traveler are open to speak up you just have to open up and start conversation.You will never return the way you left before. So in the first run,it is better to explore the way,as much u can. Capture every part of your way might be you won’t come back the way you left.

Live Each Step Live Like Never Lived Before :)