Why do you need online invoice management software for your small medium business?


It Will Save You Time:

Rather than wasting time to create an estimate or invoice in Microsoft Word or Excel, which do have their advantages in terms of formatting and calculations, it just isn’t an acceptable way of creating them anymore. With that said, your customers might not know the difference if you convert them to PDF, but again, that’s more time required and many extra steps.

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With an online invoice management software, this process should be seamless and only require a few clicks. More than that, the solution should also email and sms them directly to the customer so that you don’t need to copy and paste it into your email. 

Moreover, the solution should automatically convert estimates to invoices for you so that you don’t need to always manually copy the information from an estimate to invoice. Not only is this time consuming, but it can lead to a lot of user error.

It Will Convert More Sales for you:

The correct online invoice management solutions, such as infoflopay, include three very important features; payment processing, a secure payment link and a customer portal. Imagine if you don’t have these two features. You spend your time sending an invoice and them customer tells you that they are ready to pay. Now you need to schedule a call with them to take payment or even worse, send them a form with their credit card information. The latter option is completely unsecure and should never ben done.

By including payment processing, you can take their credit card information over the phone. But still that isn’t enough. This is where the secure payment link comes into play. By sending over the link your customer can pay for the invoice right from their phones or computers. This is great, but still it isn’t enough because the customer may still loose their invoice or waste your time by calling you and asking you for it.

This is where a customer portal should be included with any online invoice management software. With a customer portal, the customer can not only pay on their own but also have access to estimates and invoices so that aren’t calling you anymore! As an added advantage, some of these solutions, like infoflopay, auto generate a customer statement so the beginning and ending balances can be seen.