Why are the mountains calling? Are they really or is it just a figment of our imagination?
So many of us have lived in comforts in cities, that their hustle and bustle, the chaos have innately become a part of us. And unlike the generations before, we do not fight it or deal with it. We try to escape it.
But what are we really trying to escape? The cold reality or the fact that we recognise it and yet want to be intentionally unaware of it, like the cat sipping milk with its eyes closed thinking the world cannot see it.

Quite possibly, we need that escape right now. Maybe from the grim realities of our lives or from the unbridled chaos of our lives that comes from a hum-drum routine. Ah, the irony!
But why the mountains?
Because, sometimes all we need is a reminder that our lives are so insignificant in comparison to the world around us. We are as significant to the mountains as they are to the planet as the planet is to the universe we live in.
Our world is humongous. The space above us is infinite. We are just a small speck in the vast horizons of space. And when you get a reminder of that, lying under the starry skies with huge mountains looming over you, there's no ‘you’ left in the equation. Ours seem a trivial existence, and suddenly, all your problems seem so tiny, so inconsequential.

We let go of our perfect lives, maybe just for a week to go see that. Although we might be surrounded by tall urban structures and shiny city lights, there's something , maybe an ounce of truth, only a draft of cold air under a pantheon of stars can give you.
So, go. Maybe that answer you’re looking for is right there, inside you, waiting to be unlocked.