

Photo of WHY AND HOW TRAVELING IS SO IMPORTANT ? by FinishYourPlateFirst Musaafir_Mehra

Now the question is why we consider traveling as an option , traveling should be a part of your life or your quarterly routine and if you portray that you are extremely occupied and carries the burden of the whole so called society than also it must be in your half yearly plan at-least , Now go make a note of it .

And , Yes i am talking to you who is still thinking that traveling is not important . Please read it while you plan a trip and see a picture of a sweet at the need of this blog for you to eat.

So let's talk about it .

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Traveling is a self learning practice , it a soulful thing that you will only feel once you start experiencing it with time , its's a gesture of happiness , it will give you moments and memories you can cherish till your last breath , i am sure at your last breath you will not be calculating the money you saved by not traveling years back.

After 20 years you will not regret your travel that you did cutting out on your time and money , in fact you will be glad seriously that you did travel that time , you will not think of how hard you dealer with your monthly budget that time or a nil account balance but you will remember the journey and the experience .

As this shall too pass will also take the time , after 20 years you might have that money for a luxury trip but not that precious time which you did not utilize for a special budget trip .

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Now the most asked questions ?

My answer is very simple . it is never about taking out specific time , it is about the passion you have for it and how that thing gives you a big smile on your face .

Not convinced right ? Let's take an example , You brush your teeth every day right ? because you know it is import and you will feel comfortable interacting with people with a fresh breath after brushing your teeth . Same way traveling is important , it gives you a unique independent confidence and a urge to do better , explore more and once you will start understanding it , you will start managing things in a certain way that you will automatically have time to plan your travel.

A one day trip is also considered as traveling to start with as you will allow yourself and your mind to get open to that feeling .

Every time frame or to be precised every phase of your life is very important for traveling , when you a child you have that warmth to travel with your parents , when you are teen you have a confidence to travel and explore the world with friends you choose to go along for life. *Traveling leads to some great friendships. Than will be a time you will travel with your life partner and than with the children . Do not stop this circle as you will only learn things when it is the time , keep waiting for the right time will leave you with empty hands and may a regret and an urge to live that teen time now but time never comes back .

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Now , first thing you must not have a silver spoon in your mouth to travel and who said go on a luxury trip every time or your first trip must be lit and out of this world . Most of the people are not able to travel due to this mind set .

And you know what ? People who them self never traveled , are the ones mostly putting these thoughts in your occupied mind and that when you trying finding ways to avoid traveling and the first excuse is to show pockets out saying , i don't have enough money . Who decided that you can only travel if you have 20,000 or more in your pocket ? No one right , you can travel with the minimum you have , or you still say no money , save a little every month and add it to your half year busy schedule .

You need to do a balance and you can do that in your budget , suppose if you think traveling expenses are more , balance it by doing a budget stay for that trip or vica versa , use public transport of that place , plan a shared trip with friends , don't spend much on before trip shopping , i am sure you can manage without buying new shoes or new clothes right ?

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If you ask me , i totally stop all my extra expenses , even going out with friends a week or more before i am traveling , that little saving will add a big smile on your face when you depend that amount on something extra unplanned on your trip. TRUST ME ON THAT .

Who Said that ? I don't get people jumping on me saying let's go travel , that's a different thing now that i go jumping on people saying let's travel . Haha .

So the point is it's not necessary that you bound your self under a specific comfort zone with specific travel partner , judge people and if they are trust worthy , change your travel partners. What i mean to say is you must be diverse , you will get people who loves only beaches and some might only travel if it is a trip to mountains or some prefer road trips and few are only limited to air travel and yes people with different budgets .

Give opportunity to yourself to travel diverse and understand the art of travel and your interests ,sitting at home and selecting what i love is beach from the two options will not lead you anywhere and i am very serious on this .

Try solo , in my next blogs i will tell you how my first solo was totally unexpected .At times on a solo you meet people from whom you can learn a lot and may plan a next trip with them.

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Okay , so go grab a notebook and make a note in BOLD. That there is no best time to travel as when you travel is the best time for you. I hope you noted it in bold.

Basically , it is an excuse given by people who do not understand how and why traveling is important , every one have a different schedule and different leaves availability and more precisely off or on season , so instead of looking for a right time , look for a place which is right to travel as per your time . Give yourself a lit more space to see a wider picture .

Still if you have an argument , let me tell you that places like mountains are always up to welcome you , beaches never say why you are coming to me on a sunny day or hotel says come when there is a season . At times i travel to places during off season to explore more of it at a budget price , other than you are seeking for a specific festival the right times starts when you are done packing your bags at any month of the year .

Now here for the people who did not travel when there was a time for that phase of life might regret as now they feel bounded to wait for summer vacations for the kids to travel along or may they don't if they never understood the happiness of traveling and if not now also they will go on a trip during summer vacations as it is a part of the child's holidays homework to write an essay about the summer trip.

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So back to square one why traveling is important ?

It is and during the excessive work pressure , family issues for some , ups and downs in businesses , 24×7 same office schedule that 2 days travel will make you keep going ahead with a positive approach towards life and prevent you to reach at the level of frustration or a point you want to quite .

Planning it self is a joy and exploring different destinations for your next trip will keep you enlightened .

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Travel : It is not just a word , it is a healing , an invisible inner peace and happiness words can't define .

Do Tag your loved once and definitely let me know when are you traveling next.

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Be Safe | Happy Traveling .


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