“Some journeys can be only travelled alone” –Kein Poirot
I realized, I love her, all of a sudden it gave me shivers. Before that I never felt this for her. I analysed her deeply this time. She was a beautiful soul with little scars on her heart. She was all I ever wanted and ever imagined. Her wavy hairs were dripping down with mountain rain and her eyes were shimmery with the view of lavish green landscape. She was collecting flowers when I saw her like this. She used to collect flowers from every place, she goes. When asked, she would grin and say, “This is the only beautiful and inexpensive thing I can afford to gift myself”.
All this years, I wondered about life; generalizing it in gigantic things .However, one fine day she happened to me and my mind changed it all! I started liking small things. Yes, all small things from balloons to tents, eclairs to bicycles and most importantly atoms. I was me; first time. All loud with deep breaths. I was swirling and singling to my strains. She changed it all. I could hear those jingle bells and guitar rhymes, blowing in the heliotrope sky. She made me alive.
She made me cognise; how important the person in your reflection is. How you can make wonders if you fall in love with the girl in the mirror. How she can make you blush by her actions in the middle of an arid day. They said, particularly said, ‘You will bend and adjust’, ‘You will bend and adjust the day you fall in love with her’. And, there I was, all rough and smooth, toiling to her, saying, “I wanna live with you, I wanna brush my soul against you, I wanna jump puddles with you, I wanna crush and I wanna trust, I wanna dance and I wanna climb, I wanna roar and I wanna smile. But all I wanna do is; do with you”.
Saying this to her, I stood up, strangled the old me and called the ghost cops to complain about her. She killed my dreams, she demeaned me of my abilities. She obstructed me to the heaven gate. She told me constantly and loudly, “You can’t “. I died each day, just by the thought I was not enough. And then, I met the new me on the hills, which showed me my way to the peak, screaming loud and loud and loud, “Oh baby, you can”. You can do wonders. You can cross the puddles alone. You are the fire in the water that no one can flout.
And this is the way; I met myself
All me.
Totally me.
Happy and sound me.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.”
The day I realized, I was the one who can change my own life, it changed everything.
Like everyone, I was scared. I freaked out every second. Sometimes twice and often thrice on my first solo trip. But, I handled. Everyone handles, You will handle too.
When you are alone, you are your own bodyguard. Your own boss. Your instincts and gut feeling will notify you in every step when you are about to do something wrong. Listen to it. You will be saved. Hell saved.
Like me, you are good to go!
Make sure, you never turn a blind eye to your sparkle!
And, you are all there, sipping your brew in the nature bed.
If you have such stories in your life, do share with me at Readywithriya@gmail.com