What travelling the world has taught me !

Photo of What travelling the world has taught me ! by Meenal Sahoo

I'm not shy about my love for travel or how to have caught the travelling bug but as someone who has been lucky enough to visit so many countries and wants to travel even further in the years to come, I thought it only right to look back on what my adventures have taught me.

So many of my memories over the course me growing up, have been made in the most beautiful of cities and some of the most sought after resorts in the world, but it's the things I've learnt from those adventures and the people I experienced them with, that truly make the memories so important to me.

Setting aside the beauty of the destinations themselves, here's what my travels have really taught me over the years and why what I've learned over time, is priceless.


I love to travel. It not only excites me, but also gives me the opportunity to learn something new, to explore somewhere beautiful and to embrace other cultures. It's those unique experiences that leave you feeling like you left a part of your heart somewhere and leaves you feeling like the only person in the world who is lucky enough to have that memory. Embracing all that a place has to offer is almost impossible but to at least embrace other cultures from the people who call that place home, is one of the most important lessons that I've learned. These are the memories that I treasure and share with loved ones on my return home far more than how beautiful a resort was.

Embracing -and noticing the un-noticed


I grew up mostly travelling or reading books and the importance of manners were instilled into me from a very young age. To be kind, to be grateful and to be thankful are hugely important and they're also very good indicators to me personally. Some of the most wonderful places in the world I have traveled to are ingrained in my memory, for the welcome and warmth I received, the people I met and the experiences I had, far more than the aspect of it being Instagram worthy. It's the things we think of as 'the little things' as we travel, that are the experiences I am most thankful for above all else. It's realizing the effort that others have put in and recognizing when people have the warmest hearts, that make me so thankful for my travels over the years. Learning to be thankful for everything and to be grateful for everyone who goes out of their way to make life special for you, is something I try to use throughout every part of my life. Being kind costs nothing, but is quite simply priceless.


Travelling makes you get out of your comfort zone. I came home a more confident, more capable person who had made life long friends with people I had never even met weeks previously. My outlook on people, on life and on how to hold my own in my career changed for the better.

And finally to want to travel more. To see places and people I haven't seen before and to experience things that will continue to allow me to grow as a person, as well as pushing my creativity and broadening my horizons. To travel is such an amazing thing and I will never take everything it gives to me and allows me for granted.