As travellers we are all addicted to photos. New places, new people make us crazy for taking pictures that we can share with our friends through social media or meeting personally. But most of us click regular pictures which are either already seen by our audience or may not be very impactful.
After traveling for more than 2 years now for creating content, its my experience that it doesn’t take a lot of effort to click that amazing frame, which will make a difference.
So here I am sharing simple tips which help me create a different perspective of the places I travel to and were liked by all my friends and followers.
1. Finding reflection
Reflection adds a whole new dimension to your image. Reflection can be captured in a mirror, water or any other surface in the frame where you can see it. So, find reflection!

2. Capturing an isolated frame
Even in crowded places, there are some spots where you can find empty frames. Try to get something interesting in that frame. A person doing some activity, sitting, talking, walking or eating which might complete the story of the frame. In the following example there's a person sitting alone looking at his phone screen and there is a picture of a woman above. Visually it feels like that is what he is looking at, in his phone.

3. Framing with other subjects
When you take a picture, try to use secondary objects to create an interesting frame. The picture can be clicked in such a way that all the attention is diverted to the main subject.

4. Match-making
Create interesting matches of different subjects. Many-a-times you will come across a situation where you will see that combining different subjects makes for an interesting frame. In the example below you will see same number of people with either their first half missing or their second half missing. The frame looks complete by joining them. There are many such frames that you can find around you, make a match.

5. Use of boards
Sign boards, bill boards are very common sight in any city. This is the easiest way to advertise at crowded places. For an interesting click, you can relate the signboards/billboards with the activity in the foreground. In the example below, you can see an advertisement board of professionals working and four working professionals sitting on a break right under it.

These are some tips you can follow while taking pictures on the street and your frame would come out to be really different from what you usually click.
Let me know if this helps your pictures in the comments below and if you would like to read a second part of this article!
Don't forget to share this with your photographer friends.