Guatemala is the capital of Antigua , Antigua a beautiful country enjoying Caribbean in central America

Antigua is a popular tropical paradise destination for vacationers from around the globe. Antigua is not all about lounging under the warm tropical sun and enjoying the balmy breezes. The island also has a rich cultural heritage, and the way of living in Antigua is a reflection of that. Antigua is well known as having ‘365 beaches – a beach for each day out of the year’. Antigua is not so well known though for its culture. Let’s take a look at some of the highpoints below: Religion There is no predominant religion on Antigua, but rather, diverse representation from several religious branches. Christianity is the strongest influence and some of the Christian churches that are used today were built hundreds of years ago and offer an interesting historical perspective to the island.
The Rasta movement has a strong following on Antigua although it did not originate there. The followers of Rasta that live on Antigua have adopted the lifestyle voluntarily. They are usually identified by the appearance of their hair and mostly live on the southern coast. The live a simple and natural lifestyle and they value the life in all things including plants and animals as well as the land upon which they live.

It should be no surprise that tourism plays a very important role in the economy and daily life of those living in Antigua. Tourists from around the globe have brought a generous income to the island and created many jobs. Being a beautiful island with both secluded beaches and 5 star resorts, Antigua has earned a well deserved reputation as one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world.
Cricket is the national sport of Antigua. The United States has its basketball, Great Britain has football, and Antigua has cricket for a national pastime. The island is very proud of its athletes and even the games of minor significance are well attended. Antigua is a great place to spend a vacation, but it also an even greater place to explore as a local away from the resorts. Then you can enjoy food and music native to the island, and get a small taste of what day to day life is like upon the beautiful island of Antigua.

traveling stories by gobinda rabha.