The Vadfest 2015 was a trip packed with a lot of events. In two days I managed to squeeze in two plays, Paresh Rawal's Kishan Vs Kanhaiya and Anupam Kher's Kuch bhi ho Sakta Hai. There was also A.R. Rahman's concert along with Sonu Nigam's and Sivamani's. Baroda as a place has the Baroda Museum and the Lakshmi Vilas palace to offer as sightseeing attractions. There is also the Fatehsingh Museum at the Lakshmi Vilas palace. There was also a Vintage Car show during the Vadfest and a nice street food festival as well. The Baroda Fine Arts college had about 7 art exhibitions which were very nice as well. Baroda on the whole is a very nice cosmopolitan town with wide roads, good footpaths and ideal for a tourist to explore on foot. Its ideal for a weekend. It has a lot of art events going on, try and sync your trip with some of them, it would make for a good trip.
It has nice clean rooms with breakfast in the adjoining restaurant. Its very close to the railway station.
Its a nice museum with a good collection of decorative arts and miniature paintings.